Destination Home

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Connor and Lynn’s island adventures left them happy, in love and newlyweds. Their marital bliss is cut short by a damning proclamation by Connor’s ex-wife, Meredith. Meredith’s revelation leaves Connor reeling and Lynn completely heartbroken.

As they head home, Connor continues to fight for their love while Lynn struggles to pick up the pieces by escaping to London and diving head first into her business. The whirlwind of turmoil follows them across the globe, and neither of them can seemingly escape the perils and torment from the people surrounding them.

In this twisted game of love, betrayal runs rampant while lies and truths are revealed. With the odds stacked against them, will Connor and Lynn’s love conquer all, and will they finally have the happily ever after they’ve dreamed about? Find out in part three of the WanderLynn Experience…Destination Home.