Live and Let Love (God’s Hand Book 2)

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She’s learned her lesson the hard way, now what?

Mary was finally able to admit she handles her anger in the worst way possible. And she was finally able to admit to being in love with Darold too. I watched her along with you and enjoyed Myself immensely chuckling at her tremulous road to this discovery. While the scariest part of her journey, admitting there was a problem, is over, the longest part of her journey is just beginning.

Now, she has to implement the lesson.

Tests and obstacles are given, persons from the past decide to make themselves known, and surprises shock not only her but the people around her. We all remember how Mary enjoys those surprises, don’t we? But can she handle them?

Where’s My popcorn? We were just getting to the good part!

Who am I?

Well, let’s just say there was a ram in the bush…