Royalty Free Stock Photo: Confident, Body Positive Black Woman Offering Hug
$5.00 – $25.00
An African-American woman who wears plus size clothing sits in front of a white backdrop. In this close-up shot, only her chest, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and face are shown. She’s wearing a casual black top, silver necklace with a heart pendant, and bright pink lipstick. Her short, curly hair is dyed a vivid pink-purple color, and she has a tattoo in the shape of a heart on her shoulder. She’s comfortable and confident in her body. Her arms are raised as if she’s offering the viewer a hug or reaching for the camera.
This woman’s mixed ethnic heritage includes black or African American, Caucasian, and Italian ancestry.
Environment: white background
Mood: confident, happy, content, generous
Themes: body positive, plus size, fat acceptance
Ethnicities, genders and abilities of note: Black, African American, Caucasian, Italian
Location: Washington State, Pacific Northwest, United States