Unpacking Weight Stigma II: Creating More Equitable Groups


Running a support or special-interest group of any kind — online or offline — is one of the kindest things we can do for our fellow humans.

Though it seems simple, it can also be one of the most challenging.

This guide will help you create groups that are not only flame-war-free, but closer to truly fair, just and equitable. We’ll look at the five essential questions for creating and re-evaluating groups, handling conflict, and finish with a few questions specifically for Health at Every Size-focused groups.

These questions will help you no matter whether you’re creating your group now, or taking another look at an existing group.

This 34-page workbook contains over 60 questions for study, reflection and journaling to spark your awareness of—and help you confront—weight stigma and oppression. These questions are an opportunity to grow in your own anti-oppression and Health at Every Size® alignment and knowledge, and work on fatphobic beliefs and tendencies. They are not comfortable questions, but they’re important.

The entire workbook is printable at 8.5×11″ paper size and contains space for your reflections so that you can fill it out in your preferred format.

(As in all Lindley’s works, the word “fat” is used as a neutral descriptor for large bodies.)

Image description: Three fat white people with feminine appearances stand back to back with arms crossed, smiling, in a park. Text on the image reads, “Creating More Equitable Groups: Unpacking Weight Stigma 2. Questions for reflection for fat allies and Health at Every Size® practitioners. Lindley Ashline.”