Showing 801–823 of 823 results

  • The Embodiment of Disobedience: Fat Black Women’s Unruly Political Bodies


    Despite the West’s privileging of slenderness as an aesthetic ideal, the African Diaspora has historically displayed a resistance to the Western European and North American indulgence in “fat anxiety.” The Embodiment of Disobedience explores the ways in which the African Diaspora has rejected the West’s efforts to impose imperatives of slenderness and mass market fat-anxiety….

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    The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism


    For readers of Democracy in Chains and Dark Money, a revelatory investigation of the Religious Right’s rise to political power. For too long the Religious Right has masqueraded as a social movement preoccupied with a number of cultural issues, such as abortion and same-sex marriage. In her deeply reported investigation, Katherine Stewart reveals a disturbing…

  • Lovely: How I Learned to Embrace the Body God Gave Me


    All bodies are good bodies. Except fat bodies. At least that’s what our society tells us. According to the prevailing dogma, thin bodies are good; fat bodies are bad. In fact, any body that fails to measure up to society’s standards of perfection is bad. The perfect face has no blemishes, the perfect belly has…

  • Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly Woman


    You know the type: the woman who won’t shut up, who’s too brazen, too opinionated—too much. Sometimes she’s the life of the party; other times she’s the center of gossip. She’s the unruly woman, and she’s on eof the most provocative, powerful forms of womanhood today. There have been unruly women for as long as…

  • The Gluten Lie: And Other Myths About What You Eat


    An incendiary work of science journalism debunking the myths that dominate the American diet and showing readers how to stop feeling guilty and start loving their food again—sure to ignite controversy over our obsession with what it means to eat right. FREE YOURSELF FROM ANXIETY ABOUT WHAT YOU EAT Gluten. Salt. Sugar. Fat. These are…

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    Natural: How Faith in Nature’s Goodness Leads to Harmful Fads, Unjust Laws, and Flawed Science


    Illuminates the far-reaching harms of believing that natural means “good,” from misinformation about health choices to justifications for sexism, racism, and flawed economic policies. People love what’s natural: it’s the best way to eat, the best way to parent, even the best way to act—naturally, just as nature intended. Appeals to the wisdom of nature…

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    The Body of the Conquistador: Food, Race and the Colonial Experience in Spanish America, 1492–1700 (Critical Perspectives on Empire)


    This fascinating history explores the dynamic relationship between overseas colonisation and the bodily experience of eating. It reveals the importance of food to the colonial project in Spanish America and reconceptualises the role of European colonial expansion in shaping the emergence of ideas of race during the Age of Discovery. Rebecca Earle shows that anxieties…

  • The Fat Pedagogy Reader: Challenging Weight-Based Oppression Through Critical Education (Counterpoints Book 467)


    Over the past decade, concerns about a global «obesity epidemic» have flourished. Public health messages around physical activity, fitness, and nutrition permeate society despite significant evidence disputing the «facts» we have come to believe about «obesity». We live in a culture that privileges thinness and enables weight-based oppression, often expressed as fat phobia and fat…

  • Fat Religion: Protestant Christianity and the Construction of the Fat Body


    Fat Religion: Protestant Christianity and the Construction of the Fat Body explores how Protestant Christianity contributes to the moralization of fat bodies and the proliferation of practices to conform fat bodies to thin ideals. Focusing primarily on Protestant Christianity and evangelicalism, this book brings together essays that emphasize the role of religion in the ways…

  • Seeking the Straight and Narrow: Weight Loss and Sexual Reorientation in Evangelical America


    Losing weight and changing your sexual orientation are both notoriously difficult to do successfully. Yet many faithful evangelical Christians believe that thinness and heterosexuality are godly ideals—and that God will provide reliable paths toward them for those who fall short. Seeking the Straight and Narrow is a fascinating account of the world of evangelical efforts…

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    The Hyper(in)visible Fat Woman: Weight and Gender Discourse in Contemporary Society


    In The Hyper(in)visible Fat Woman Gailey investigates the interface between fat women’s perceptions of their bodies and of the social expectations and judgments placed on them. The book explores the phenomenon of ‘hyper(in)visibility’, the seemingly paradoxical social position of being paid exceptional attention while simultaneously being erased.

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    Neoliberal Bodies and the Gendered Fat Body


    In recent decades the rise of the so-called “global obesity epidemic” has led to fatness and fat bodies being debated incessantly in popular, professional, and academic arenas. Fatness and fat bodies are shamed and demonised, and the public monitoring, surveillance and outright policing by the media, health professionals, and the general public are pervasive and…

  • YoungGiftedandFat: An Autoethnography of Size, Sexuality, and Privilege


    YoungGiftedandFat is a critical autoethnography of “performing thin”– on the stage and in life. Sharrell D. Luckett’s story of weight loss and gain and playing the (beautiful, desirable, thin) leading lady showcases an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to issues of weight and self-esteem, performance, race, and gender. Sharrell structures her project with creative text, interviews,…

  • Heavy Burdens: Stories of Motherhood and Fatness


    Heavy Burdens: Stories of Motherhood and Fatness seeks to address the systemic ways in which the moral panic around “obesity” impacts fat mothers and fat children. Taking a life-course approach, the book begins with analyses of the ways in which fatphobia is enacted on pregnant (or even not-yet-pregnant) women, whose bodies immediately become viewed as…

  • Female Bodies on the American Stage: Enter Fat Actress


    The fat female body is a unique construction in American culture that has been understood in various ways during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Analyzing post-WWII stage and screen performances, Mobley argues that the fat actress’s body signals myriad cultural assumptions and suggests new ways of reading the body in performance.

  • Fat Studies in the UK


    FAT STUDIES IN THE UK brings together academics, health practitioners, activists and artists to discuss how contemporary UK culture represents, attempts to control and demonises fat. The book contains articles, cartoons, personal reflection and reports of activism to offer a variety of ways to understand fat. Contributors present stirring and suggestive calls to action for…

  • Born Again Bodies: Flesh and Spirit in American Christianity (Volume 12) (California Studies in Food and Culture)


    “Fat People Don’t Go to Heaven!” screamed a headline in the tabloid Globe in November 2000. The story recounted the success of the Weigh Down Workshop, the nation’s largest Christian diet corporation and the subject of extensive press coverage from Larry King Live to the New Yorker. In the United States today, hundreds of thousands…

  • Eat Fat


    In this tour de force the author traces the older, positive meanings of the word “fat.” He analyzes “the thing fat, ” discussing not only the aesthetics of fat but also the nature of fat. He examines “fat sex, ” including representations of the human body designed to arouse people whose taste in beauty is…

  • The ‘Fat’ Female Body


    Investigating the current interest in obesity and fatness, this book explores the problems and ambiguities that form the lived experience of ‘fat’ women in contemporary Western society. Engaging with dominant ideas about ‘fatness’, and analysing the assumptions that inform anti-fat attitudes in the West, The ‘Fat’ Female Body explores the moral panic over the ‘obesity epidemic’,…

  • Body Outlaws: Rewriting the Rules of Beauty and Body Image (Live Girls)


    Pick up a magazine, turn on the TV, and you’ll find few women who haven’t been fried, dyed, plucked, or tucked. In short, you’ll see no body outlaws. The writers in this groundbreaking anthology reveal a world where bodies come in all their many-splendored shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. In doing so, they expand the…

  • The Cult of Thinness


    Whether they are rich or poor, liberal or conservative, religious or atheist, thriving or stagnant, most American women have one thing in common–they want to be thin–or thinner. And they are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to get that way, even to the point of starving themselves. Why are America’s women so preoccupied with…

  • Thickening Fat: Fat Bodies, Intersectionality, and Social Justice


    hickening Fat: Fat Bodies, Intersectionality, and Social Justice seeks to explore the multiple, variable, and embodied experiences of fat oppression and fat activisms. Moving beyond an analysis of fat oppression as singular, this book will aim to unpack the volatility of fat―the mutability of fat embodiments as they correlate with other embodied subjectivities, and the threshold…

  • Being Fat: Women, Weight, and Feminist Activism in Canada


    It is okay to be fat. This is the basic premise of fat activism, a social movement that has existed in Canada since the early 1970s. This book focuses on the earliest strands of the Canadian movement, which emerged around 1977 and ended around 1997 with the emergence of defiant performance artists Pretty, Porky, and…