Creating A Weight-Neutral Body-Affirming Health Journey Workshop (Ragen Chastain)
In the Creating A Weight-Neutral Body Affirming Health Journey video, knowing that the weight loss industry works hard to conflate weight loss with the concept of health, so even when we realize that diets don’t work and we get off the diet roller coaster, it can be difficult to separate our diet culture past from our desire to support our body moving forward. Health is an amorphous, multifactorial concept and it’s not an obligation, barometer of worthiness, or entirely within our control. Understanding that, in this workshop we’ll discuss how we can come to our personal health journey entirely on our own terms and leave diet culture behind for good.
Topics will include:
- Defining “health” for ourselves
- Identifying and eradicating diet culture concepts from our choices around supporting our bodies
- Conceptualizing health while living with health issues and chronic conditions
- Setting weight-neutral, body affirming health goals and priorities (or choosing not to)
- Options to deal with setbacks, difficulties, and changes on the journey (body image struggles, health diagnoses, life changes etc.)
- Finding qualified, size-affirming professionals to support us on our journey.
- Talking about our decisions with others (or choosing not to.)