Getting Jiggly With it – Movement In A Fat Body Workshop (Ragen Chastain)


Movement/fitness/exercise by any definition is never an obligation or barometer of worthiness. But for fat people who want to move our bodies within a fat positive, Health at Every Size framework – whether it’s because we enjoy it, or because of the benefit(s) we get from it (even if we don’t enjoy it,) whatever our reasons, a fatphobic culture can create barriers, misinformation, and other difficulties for us. In this workshop we’ll explore tips, tricks, and information to help us move our bodies for our own reasons, within a fat positive framework. (This workshop can also be helpful to fitness pros who want to create a fat-positive practice!)

Topics will include:

  • Exploring the options for movement (including doing it on the cheap, and options for those with chronic pain, illness and/or disability)
  • When you want to move, but can’t seem to find the motivation
  • Busting myths about moving in a fat body
  • Finding clothes and gear
  • Finding a fat-affirming gym/studio/instructor/trainer/coach
  • Dealing with fatphobia in the fitness world
  • Strategies for embracing and/or managing sweat, chub rub, and jiggle
  • Resources for finding support