A blobby creature holding a staff and wearing a backpack stands on a hilltop on one side of the image, looking out over a valley and fantasy town full of rounded towers on a mountainside across the valley.

If you’re exhausted, you’re not alone.

If you’re exhausted, you’re not alone. It’s hard to be a small business owner, and it’s even harder when you’re part of a marginalized group, have a chronic illness, or have other demands on your time and energy. In early 2021, I released my first book, The Exhausted Entrepreneur. It comes with guidance and a…

In the media: You need an email list with the American Council on Exercise

In the media: You need an email list with the American Council on Exercise

Over at the American Council on Exercise (ACE), I’m quoted in this piece by Carrie Myers on why business owners — even sole proprietors — need email lists. Email lists and newsletters have gotten a bad rap. How many email newsletters have you gotten that were clearly written grudgingly by their owners, because they thought…

Listen: Lindley on the Hell Yeah Techcast with Jenn Hume
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Listen: Lindley on the Hell Yeah Techcast with Jenn Hume

Every single time I’m asked to be on a podcast, it’s an honor, but it’s an especially big deal to be the very first guest on an existing podcast! Jenn Hume, owner of Hell Yeah Tech, and I talked on her Hell Yeah Techcast about websites, marketing and inclusive stock photography. Jenn is exactly my…

Inclusive and Diverse Marketing in Yoga & Fitness Spaces: A NEDA and YBIC Roundtable Discussion (video with transcript)
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Inclusive and Diverse Marketing in Yoga & Fitness Spaces: A NEDA and YBIC Roundtable Discussion (video with transcript)

I was honored to recently be part of a roundtable series, a collaboration between the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and Yoga & Body Image Coalition (YBIC), called Growing & Thriving Together: A Roundtable Series on Diversity, Inclusivity & Accessibility in Yoga and Fitness Spaces. The discussion for which I was a panelist focused on…