A sanctuary for you and your one precious body
The Body Liberation Blanket Fort is my diet-talk-free, fat-centered and thriving community for people of all sizes.
We do 24/7 text chat as well as regular events like movie nights and hangouts.
With over 200 members from across the U.S., Europe and Australia, it’s a thriving and lively space. Come on in for fat community in your everyday life.
The Fort’s front door. Join the Patreon for access to both Patreon and Discord.
We use Discord for community chat and regular live events. Never used Discord? Here’s my guide on how to make your account and get started.
Patreon + Discord: The Blanket Fort’s two homes.
Blanket Fort membership is managed through Patreon. Once you join the Patreon, you’ll get instructions for accessing the Discord side of the Fort as well as all the other supporter rewards, including my Body Liberation Library.
Join the Body Liberation Blanket Fort and hang out with our friendly crowd.