An older white woman's hands grasping her belly rolls. A faux polaroid frame is on top with today's body image reframing word written on the frame.

Reframe Your Body: Extra Curvy | Body image resources for plus-size people

When the world surrounds us with body shame, we can build a shelter of love for ourselves and our precious bodies instead. How can we ever feel neutral or positive about our bodies when our only vocabulary to think about or discuss them is full of shame?

Today, I’d like you to practice substituting positive words for the shame-filled words you were taught. Let’s start a practice of reframing our large bodies by being kind to them, not only in the kinds of images we view, but in the words we use to describe ourselves.

Today’s word to try out: โœจ Extra curvy โœจ

Could this word be a good fit for you?

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Hi there! I'm Lindley. I create artwork that celebrates the unique beauty of bodies that fall outside conventional "beauty" standards at Body Liberation Photography. I'm also the creator of Body Liberation Stock and the Body Love Shop, a curated central resource for body-friendly artwork and products. Find all my work here at

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