{The Body Liberation Guide} What do the fatties want?

Hi friend,

Here in Seattle, we’re well into our damp, drizzly, chilly, earthen season that will last with slight variations into next May. Though I offer outdoor photo sessions here year round, since it rarely gets very cold, indoor sessions are picking up.

It’s also the time of year when I both slow down personally and start considering what’s worked well (in my life and in my business) this year and where I might want to focus next year.

I put out a survey for my Patreon patrons and got some fantastic feedback on what y’all would like to see next year, from more knowledge rewards like the big fat-positive group guide to events and hangouts.

I’m also doing the kind of big-picture introspection and planning that I hope will lead to a really exciting new offering for you in the new year.

In right-now news, I’m so excited to bring you a guest piece from Marilyn freakin’ Wann this week!

Marilyn is one of the fat activists I admire the most, who’s been fighting for fat justice and rights since I was knee-high. She’s also the author of the book Fat!So?, and you can learn more about her here.

Marilyn recently shared a reply she’d written to a request for her expertise that was so strong and beautiful, and graciously allowed me to share it with you as well. The context is below, with a link to read the entire response.


A colorful abstract graphic with text that reads, Changing the world is up to you. It's only possible to offer the Body Liberation Guide and all its labor for free because people like you support it. 

$1 USD per month helps out, and $5 and up gets you access to the full Conversation, full event listings, my body liberation library and more. Support the Body Liberation Guide.

From Marilyn Wann:

Someone I crossed paths with decades ago emailed me this week to ask for my input on some work product. Maybe they would quote me! That person and a cc’ed colleague have job titles that reference marketing and strategy and diversity and cross cultural stuff. They work at some kind of health consulting firm that’s currently advising a company that creates content that patients encounter in medical settings.

And the topic they are working on…O-word.

They’ve done a survey of fat people and they’ve written a report! What do the fatties want? And by the way, why are they so fat? And how can you optimize profits…er, show fat patients how much you care…while they wait to see a medical professional?

The Conversation

Here’s what’s being discussed this week in the world of body acceptance and fat liberation: 

» Allyship opportunity: Help Individuals with SMA Save for their Financial Futures (learn more

» Just so everyone knows what’s coming out of the AAP guidelines targeting fat kids earlier this year (read

» Inside the gold rush to sell cheaper imitations of Ozempic (read

» Superfat Perspectives: Supporting the Fattest in Our Communities (watch

» Anti-diet and HAES life coach Nicole Marshall Concha is open for business (see

🦄 Unicorn chaser: It’s an inevitable fate, just accept it (watch)

Upcoming Events

Quick Resources: Joyful Movement

» What is Joyful Movement? Tips to Learn How to Like Exercise 

»10 Body Positive Resources Helping You Find the Joy of Movement 

» 50 Fun, Joyful Movement Ideas 

» Enjoy Exercise with Joyful Movement 

» Joyful Movement (AKA What To Do If You Hate Exercise)

Hi there! I'm Lindley. I create artwork that celebrates the unique beauty of bodies that fall outside conventional "beauty" standards at Body Liberation Photography. I'm also the creator of Body Liberation Stock and the Body Love Shop, a curated central resource for body-friendly artwork and products. Find all my work here at bodyliberationphotos.com.