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{The Body Liberation Guide} 🍕 You’re getting both?

Hi friend,

We’re trying something new this week. I’m adding writings like these to a new collection in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort Patreon, and buying access to the collection will give you access to this and every other piece that’s added to that collection in the future.

(Or, subscribe to the Patreon and get ongoing access to every single piece I create.)

The rest of the resources in these letters will always be free.

Reminder! Apple is forcing Patreon to increase their prices by 30% when using the app. Use your browser to pay the normal price for memberships & individual item purchases. (h/t to Erika Moen for this paragraph) 

Now, on to this week’s letter:

What’s it like to go to the grocery store while thin?

Let me tell you what it was like to go to the grocery store this week while fat.

It’s having people glance your way and then look away quickly, as if having glimpsed something obscene or disgusting.

It’s having a woman in front of you carefully move her cart to one side of the aisle, glance back at you, then deliberately stand in the very center of the aisle, forcing you to wait as she leisurely peruses the coffee section.

It’s having the cashier look at your frozen pizza on the conveyer belt and say, “Ohh, pizza. AND chips?”

When you don’t respond, there’s a silence, and she tries again. “You’re getting both?”

Hi there! I'm Lindley. I create artwork that celebrates the unique beauty of bodies that fall outside conventional "beauty" standards at Body Liberation Photography. I'm also the creator of Body Liberation Stock and the Body Love Shop, a curated central resource for body-friendly artwork and products. Find all my work here at bodyliberationphotos.com.

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