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{The Body Liberation Guide} Are you a fat admirer?

Hi friend,

There’s a quote that I keep coming back to over time:

stop breaking yourself into bite size pieces for someone; stay whole and let them choke

It’s useful as a reminder that my whole self has worth and value, no matter whether other people find me palatable or useful in a capitalist world.

But as a business owner and professional fatty, I really struggle with this and always have. My interests are so divergent – my fat lib folks don’t necessarily want to hear about my gardening or my video gaming, and the latter groups are very put off by the first.

Chunking myself up is a long-term drain, but so is trying to post on multiple platforms, in ways that are appealing enough to algorithms that anyone even sees those posts, particularly when most of those platforms are also stealing users’ posts to train generative AI.

It’s difficult enough to please algorithms professionally; I just can’t summon up the energy to do it personally, too.

So I’m doing a little experiment. I’m starting a second, occasional newsletter that will contain lovely nature photos and non-fat-related thoughts from me. Just when I feel like it – it might be twice in one week, might be six months apart.

It’ll be free, though I’ll include information on buying prints of my landscape work. It’s not a solution to the issue of self-division, but it may be a less stressful way to share other parts of my life outside social media.

If you’d like to join that list, you can do that here.

Now, on to this week’s letter….

Dear fat admirers and chubby chasers: We don’t care whether you find us attractive. At all.

Every time I talk about the innate desirability, attractiveness or sexuality of fat women, men roll up to let the world know that unlike the rabble, they like fat women. A lot. In fact, they even have a thing for them, these swains admit bashfully, waiting for the just desserts of admiration and dates that must surely spring from such good-heartedness.

My dudes.


We do not care that voluptuousness makes you, internet stranger, have pantsfeels. We don’t care! Ever! At all! Not a single one of us is thinking…

Hi there! I'm Lindley. I create artwork that celebrates the unique beauty of bodies that fall outside conventional "beauty" standards at Body Liberation Photography. I'm also the creator of Body Liberation Stock and the Body Love Shop, a curated central resource for body-friendly artwork and products. Find all my work here at bodyliberationphotos.com.

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