15 Plus-Size & Size-Diverse Winter & Holiday Stock Photos
“Our bodies are our physical bookmarks that hold space for us in the world. Our bodies are magnificent houses for everything else that we are. Our bodies are a part of us, just as our kindness, talents, and passion are a part of us.
Yes, we are so much more than our outer shells, but our outer shells are an integral part of our being, too. This is why I focus on them.
The way we view our bodies impacts the way we participate in the world…and wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could lose the bullshit we’re taught and love our bodies for the perfect things that they are?”
» Jes Baker
Here it comes: Christmas creep.
It’s not even Halloween, and yet the aisles are full of Christmas, Hannukah and other winter holiday (but mostly Christmas) decorations. Ugh.
When you’re a blogger or marketer, though, you look at things a little differently. Just like crafters creating Christmas ornaments as gifts, you need the raw components to work with well before the holiday season itself.
These plus-size and body-positive stock images will get you prepared for your holiday and New Year’s articles in style.

Holiday & Winter Stock Photos for Size-Diverse, Anti-Diet & Health at Every Size® Marketing
Here are 10 more beautiful photos from the Holiday and Winter collection at Body Liberation Stock, the world’s first and best site for high-resolution stock images of large bodies for commercial use. Use these images on your website, social media, flyers, brochures, and other marketing materials to represent more of your customers, clients, and prospects. You’ll also be helping to change the world by increasing the representation of large-bodied and fat folks.
These stock photos are often used by:
- Health at Every Size healthcare providers, authors, therapists, nutritionists, and dietitians
- Body image, intuitive eating, and life coaches
- HAES eating disorder treatment professionals
- Inclusive and fat-friendly fitness pros and personal trainers
- Plus-size fashion designers, retailers and eCommerce
- Body-positive bloggers and influencers

“Unsurprisingly, most people will give up on their self-improvement plans by February, usually because they’re not sustainable. If you hate running, you’re not going to keep up with your “this is the year I’ll run a marathon” training schedule. And if your body feels restricted and deprived (no cake! all kale!), you’ll give into the cravings. “Next year,” people will promise themselves, frustrated with their lack of willpower.
But what if your inability to stick to a diet has nothing to do with your level of self-control? What if advertising media has simply been selling you this idea since birth for capitalist gain? What if your perceived failure is exactly what keeps the diet and fitness industries alive? Here’s the irrefutable truth: Diets don’t work—not in the long-term anyway.
It’s unlikely that any pill, program, cleanse, or even lifestyle change based on intentional calorie restriction will grant us with what our genes did not.
Dieting through energy restriction, which is what we’re practicing when we purposely consume fewer calories than are necessary for our bodies to function optimally, is something our bodies fight back against. When up to 95 percent of people who lose weight through dieting gain it all back, we should question why we think our experience will be any different. And it’s high time that we acknowledge that—and adopt new #bodygoals that are focused on self-acceptance and nourishment, rather than aesthetic standards and deprivation.
Before we can do that, though, we need a deeper understanding of what—biologically and neurologically—makes dieting for weight loss a near-impossible feat.”
» Melissa A. Fabello

More Winter & Holiday Stock Photos

From left to right, top to bottom:
- Plus-Size Woman on Couch
- Plus-Size Couple at a Tree Farm
- Kathryn Hack Art of Blue Woman Sitting on the ground, leaning back on hand
- Plus Size Teacher in Santa Hat
- Plus-Size Woman on Couch
- Plus-Size Couple at a Tree Farm
- Plus-Size African American Woman Outdoors
- Plus-Size Couple at a Tree Farm
Shelbey Osborne is a 200-hour Yoga Teacher. She is passionate about yoga and astrology and uses these teachings to help individuals connect deeper to their own intuition. She is an advocate for body acceptance and applying a self-compassionate approach to all areas of our lives.