41 Fat-Positive Patreons to Follow and Support
With the major and still-growing popularity of crowdfunding subscriptions in supporting creators — from Patreon to Ko-fi to Instagram and Youtube subscriptions — it seems like everyone is offering one. That includes lots of your favorite body-positive, fat-positive, Health at Every Size® and body liberation creators.
In fact, there are lots of reasons to financially support fat people:
1: Fat people create the original work that is monetized by smaller-bodied people in the body positivity movement.
2: Fat people are paid less overall for their work — no matter what field they’re in.
3: Financial support helps give us space to develop new thought work, content, scholarship and tools.
4: It’s a great way to get early and/or exclusive access to new content and special features.
5: Financial support helps compensate for the constant trolling + harassment fat activists experience.
6: Financial support helps us access promotional, academic and other opportunities that would otherwise be closed to us.
7: Many people each contributing a little can add up fast.
8: Most Patreons offer great rewards in return for your support.
9: It’s only fair to contribute to the living expenses of people who make their work available for free.
10: Your financial support helps fat activists make their work available to people with less privilege at low cost or free.
Want to support fat-positive artists, activists and more? Here are over 40 Patreon accounts to follow and subscribe to.
Lindley’s Body Liberation Photos/Body Liberation Blanket Fort

The Body Liberation Blanket Fort is my closed, diet-talk-free community. It’s open to all, and we center fat folks and other marginalized groups. All you need to get access is to support my work at any level, starting at USD $1.00 a month.
In addition to access to the Blanket Fort, Patreon supporters get early access, original content, free books and workbooks, and more. See more »
Patreon: Body Liberation Photos
The Adipositivity Project
Since 2007, it has been my abundant pleasure to preach body autonomy and fat acceptance by photographing and purveying the bare badonks of unapologetic fat folks at www.adipositivity.com and beyond.
Patreon: The Adipositivy Project
Ali Thompson’s Ok2BeFat (Artists Ali)
I am currently in an expanding mode- working on things I have not tried before, video and a novel, writing fiction for the first time in years and trying to hold onto my conviction that I can do it, if I just try hard enough and long enough.
Patreon: Ali Thompson
Annie Bellet
I’m Annie Bellet, USA Today Bestseller, Alfie Award winner, former Hugo Finalist, and super nerd. I am best known for my Urban Fantasy series The Twenty-Sided Sorceress. I write Urban and Epic fantasy with a focus on found family, quirky characters, snark in the face of overwhelming danger, a dash or three of romance, and lots of peril.
Patreon: Annie Bellet
Art and Angst with Joni Rae
Hello, it’s your friendly neighborhood chronically ill kitchen witch artist here, with a reminder that patrons of art have always existed. But now instead of painting in a drafty garret under the eye of one wealthy benefactor, we get to paint in our own homes for a hundred benefactors who each exchange a few dollars to see our work in progress.
Patreon: Art and Angst with Joni Rae
Barry Deutsch
Hi! My name is Barry Deutsch, and to tell you the truth, I’m pissed off. I’m pissed off about so many things – about homophobia, about racism, about sexism, about transphobia… the list goes on and on. And when I get pissed off, I draw political cartoons.
Patreon: Barry Deutsch
The Big Fat Gay Podcast
The Big Fat Gay Podcast talks about issues that fat people and their admirers face in relationships, media, and society. Dan and Trevor (chaser/chub) bring expert opinions on the subjects while Don and Michael (chub/chaser) bring anecdotal experience and lots of questions. Two chubs, two chasers; two Millennials, two Gen-Xers; two experts, two laymen. A well-rounded bunch!
Patreon: The Big Fat Gay Podcast
The Body Peace Society
Greetings! I’m Ivy, and I am passionate about holistic healing and body liberation. I’ve been writing on the internet for over a decade now, and it’s one of my favorite things to do. However, I wanted to create a unique experience in holistic healing and body liberation for people willing to risk rebellion for their freedom.
Patreon: The Body Peace Society
Briana Lawrence & Jessica Walsh Sewn Together Reflections
Once upon a time, we met on a mailing list and geeked out over Gundam Wing boys and Resident Evil. Now? We’re still geeks and still have our fandoms, but we’ve branched out into our own diverse fictional worlds. (And still occasionally write fanfiction from time to time.)
Patreon: Briana Lawrence & Jessica Walsh Sewn Together Reflections
Cake Plus-Size Resale
We’re Cake Plus-Size Resale, a fat-positive resale shop in Minneapolis, here for plus-size shoppers who have often been left out of the fun of thrifting. We provide sustainable, affordable, plus-size fashion and fat community. We’re especially fun on Instagram. 😉
Patreon: Cake Plus-Size Resale
Cassandra Snow
I’m a fat, queer, chronically ill witch living & loving in Minneapolis, MN. I read & teach tarot cards, write, and tell stories any way I can. I am starting a Patreon to support these passions and create some sustainability for my life.
Patreon: Cassandra Snow
Crutches and Spice Imani Barbarin
What do you know about the 20%? My name is Imani Barbarin and I am interested in creating narratives and media that centers disabled people from around the globe, a population that comprises nearly 20% of the globe- every race, religion, sexuality and gender.
Patreon: Crutches and Spice Imani Barbarin
Da’Shaun L. Harrison
Hi, family! I am an organizer and abolotionist who writes and speaks publicly on race, class, gender, sex(uality), disabilities, fatness, and the intersection at which each of these particular marginalizations meet. This Patreon is not just about me; this is about each of you who commit to embarking on this journey with me as we grow as individuals, in our respective fields, and as members of whole communities.
Patreon: Da’Shaun L. Harrison

Let’s dig deep.
Every Monday, I send out my Body Liberation Guide, a thoughtful email jam-packed with resources for changing the way you see your own body and the bodies you see around you. And it’s free. Let’s change the world together.
Death2Divinity is a D&D 5e homebrew campaign with an all-fat, and all-queer cast! Season 1 debuted Friday, July 16, 2021 and ran for 19 episodes. Season 2 premiered Saturday, January 22, 2022 and ran for 15 episodes. You can watch the entirety of both seasons on our YouTube. Season 3 premiers Saturday, October 22, 2022 at 8:30 p.m. ET!
Patreon: Death2Divinity
Decolonizing Fitness

My name is Ilya and I’m a transmasculine person currently living on the unceded territory of the Occaneechi, Saponi and Eastern band of Cherokee tribes in an area more widely known as High Point, NC. I am the owner of Decolonizing Fitness, LLC. I’m also a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant and ACE Certified Medical Exercise Specialist with over 13 years of rehabilitative and functional training experience. As a writer I have contributed to Every Day Feminism, Self Magazine , Mashable and AthleteAlly.
Patreon: Decolonizing Fitness
Diet Culture Timeline
Patreon: Diet Culture Timeline
The Fat Culture Critic
I’m Sara
I talk about culture and representation. I am also fat, which shapes how I see the world and how it sees me, and so it shapes my critiques. I am also a cisgender, bisexual, queer, neurodivergent, Egyptian/Scottish/Canadian woman and all of those lenses shape my standpoint too.
Patreon: The Fat Culture Critic
The Fat Doctor
“To begin with, the Fat Doctor was writing a weight loss blog.”
Yup, you heard me right. I was neck deep in diet culture and it took a pandemic and a bout of severe depression to finally pull me under. And then the strangest thing happened. I cried out for help and some amazing people answered. They showed me that diets don’t work, that BMI is bullshit and that dropping out of diet culture would change my life forever. So I did. And then I learned about weight stigma, and how much damage it was causing in the medical setting. And I just KNEW that I had to do something about it.
Patreon: The Fat Doctor
Fat Girl Media
I’m a queer disabled independent artist, doing my best to fattily defy oppressive bullshit. My art style is influenced by pop artists like Roy Lichtenstein and letterers like Jessica Hische, and informed by my 13+ year career as a graphic designer as well as the 3 years I spent teaching design theory at the college level. Basically what I’m saying is that I’m one competent BAMF.
Patreon: Fat Girl Media
Fat Joy Podcast with Sophia Apostol
I’m Sophia, a fat person and professional coach who loves talking to other fat people about what it’s like to live within oppressive systems that margnialize our bodies…and about how we still dare to have the audacity and courage to reach towards our collective liberation and embrace our joy. I’m so glad you’re here with me!!
Patreon: Fat Joy Podcast with Sophia Apostol
I am a non-binary fat yoga practitioner and a registered yoga teacher (e-RYT 500, RYT 500, YACEP) helping others use the practice to connect with their bodies and learn to take up space both on the mat and in the larger world.
Patreon: fringe(ish)
Fugitive Rabbit
My name is Ruby, and I am a fat, queer artist living in Buffalo, New York. My pronouns are She/Her and They/Them. My primary goal as an artist is to make people hopeful. My work covers a wide area of subjects and topics, but you can expect a lot of pop surrealism and fantasy themes involving animals, nature, the ocean, and of course– fat people being amazing.
Patreon: Fugitive Rabbit
I Am Dani Adriana
I’m Dani – a 30 year old fat lived experience peer support advocate from Meeanjin, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. I’ve built my community mainly on Instagram, and have connected with thousands of people celebrating Fat Joy, self-love and living life colourfully. I showcase magical things like Fat activism, queerness, mental health awareness, self-care, and body positivity. My Patrons receive a mix of my life, Fat resources, music recommendations, creative writing, and counseling resources.
Patreon: I Am Dani Adriana
imperfectly em
Hi friends! My name is emily, also known as imperfectly em. I’m a queer, fat, Palestinian-American creator. I’m also a makeup lover and a food fanatic. This Patreon is a way to support my creative endeavors while I’m also cobbling together an unpredictable freelance career. I make beauty videos on Youtube and love doing it. A little bit of commentary, some tutorials and chatty videos, lots and lots of indie makeup and I’m dabbling into talking about life as a fat person and all that comes with it.
Patreon: imperfectly em
Jerome Stueart
My paintings have a queer lean to them because I’m gay and I enjoy drawing chubby hairy guys! Some tasteful, artful nudity (never any explicit sex in the work you’ll see here). But you’ll also see paintings of woodland creatures as DnD characters, and other illustrated stories through this Patreon.
Patreon: Jerome Stueart
Kaytee Crawford
Everyone Deserves Support. Support comes in many forms and I want to facilitate that. The main goal for this patreon is to provide space for people to have community with one another. It takes a village and that can be virtual as well.
Patreon: Kaytee Crawford
Kivan Bay
I’m Kivan Bay. I make Things. If you support me on here, you are helping me make those Things, which can include writing, art, twines, videos, livestream lectures on fat studies, all kinds of stuff. I am often very bad at posting Things. But I am as always so grateful for your support.
Patreon: Kivan Bay
Larger Living
Du kennst mich vielleicht von Instagram @largerliving Ich bin Dot (Dorothée) und meine Leidenschaft ist es Menschen zu helfen sich endlich nicht mehr beim Essen zu stressen, Frieden mit sich und ihrem Körper zu schließen und endlich das authentische Leben zu führen, was sie verdienen.
Patreon: Larger Living
Life Drawing Rubyyy
We are Prinx Lydia and Rubyyy Jones (both: they/them) and we are the creators of this art space and other creative opportunities: dance classes, movement spaces, crafting lessons and more. Rubyyy Jones is an artist, curator, facilitator and teacher, AND is our fabulous resident model and muse for these sessions!
Patreon: Life Drawing Rubyyy

Let’s dig deep.
Every Monday, I send out my Body Liberation Guide, a thoughtful email jam-packed with resources for changing the way you see your own body and the bodies you see around you. And it’s free. Let’s change the world together.
Maintenance Phase
Every other Tuesday, Michael Hobbes (You’re Wrong About) and Aubrey Gordon (Your Fat Friend) debunk the junk science behind health and wellness fads. You can listen to Maintenance Phase on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or wherever else you get your podcasts. And you can get t-shirts, tote bags, stickers & more right here!
Patreon: Maintenance Phase
Marquisele Mercedes
Hello! I’m Marquisele Mercedes (she/her) and this is Fattening, a space for those who are interested in learning about anti-fatness in culture and the sciences. This Patreon—a space I like to call Fattening—is an important step in carving out space for myself amidst the fatphobic noise, as well as making space for others to learn and challenge their internalized biases.
Patreon: Marquisele Mercdedes
The Manic Episodes Podcast
Welcome to the Manic Fam! The Manic Episodes is a fabulous podcast hosted by super-gay and super-Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Mary Lambert and her spouse Dr. Wyatt Hermansen, where they discuss bipolar disorder and other mental health adventures, queer relationships, and body love. And poems. And farts.
Patreon: The Manic Episodes Podcast
Mechanic Shop Femme
I’m an outspoken automotive educator, writer and speaker making my mark in a field of older men and sometimes skeptical customers. I have proven through my experience and knowledge that I have earned my place and respect. I use my automotive knowledge to empower women and queer folks through online classes and consultations.
Patreon: Mechanic Shop Femme
Men Unscripted Podcast
Men Unscripted Podcast is a series of interviews of men sharing their body stories. Aaron Flores is your host and invites you to listen to these honest, vulnerable stories that help shed more light on the experience real men have of being in their body.
Patreon: Men Unscripted Podcast
More Than Tracy Turnblad
Welcome to More Than Tracy Turnblad, the podcast about fat representation in entertainment! We are so excited you’re here. By joining us on Patreon, you can get access to exclusive bonus episodes, blog posts, reading lists, our Fat Artist Support Group monthly meetings, and other bonus content!
Patreon: More Than Tracy Turnblad
Radical Body Love
I’m Laura Burns, aka Radical Body Love, and I’m a fierce, fat, feminist who LOVES helping people find the healing benefits of yoga and body liberation…and especially where those two intersect to create magic! I create body-affirming content all over the internet and am super pumped to have this be my little home to share special work with you.
Patreon: Radical Body Love
Sofie Hagen
Hi, I am Sofie Hagen, stand-up comedian, author, podcaster, hero, God and the most influencial influencer on the entire Internet dot com. I do a lot of stuff on the internet. I post thirst traps on Instagram, I release a weekly podcast, I put all of my trauma out there for the world to see, I inspire and influence, I educate, I care.
Patreon: Sofie Hagen
fatphobia is deep and complex. many brilliant writers are tackling and deconstructing it by essay. i’m doing something different: a grab-and-go. each month i’ll give you one nugget — one clear idea that you can put in your pocket and take with you to apply to anything you read or view that month.
Patreon: tommy
Unicorn Party
The Unicorn Party is a political party seeking office in upcoming US elections. We are passionate about our communities and work hard every day to bring equitable care to all US citizens. This patreon is dedicated to showcasing the talents, joys, and lives of the many people behind the scenes of the Unicorn Party.
Patreon: Unicorn Party
Hey! Thanks for making it to my Patreon page! You might know The Fat Lip as a podcast, and it still is! But right now I’m pivoting my efforts to build a lifestyle magazine-style website where I hope to showcase fat writers, artists, and other creatives and hopefully, with the help of sponsors, pay fat people for their work!
Patreon: Vast
Hi everyone!! I’m Vy & I am an autistic Nicaraguan-American lesbian illustrator based in the Midwest! You get early access to my art, process images, a monthly discount code for my shop, and first dibs on commissions. I will also have a sticker tier where you get 1-2 stickers sent to you every month!! My highest tier will offer a 5×7″ print and stickers of course!!
Patreon: Vylirium
Your Fat Friend
We talk about fat all the time. How to lose it. Why we fear it. Judgments about people who have a lot of it. I write about what it feels like to be on the receiving end of such an intense conversation about fatness, and about bodies like mine. About how that conversation shows up in our relationships, the impacts it creates, and whether or not that conversation reflects our values. And about what kind of world we want to create for the fat people we know & love.
Patreon: Your Fat Friend

Let’s dig deep.
Every Monday, I send out my Body Liberation Guide, a thoughtful email jam-packed with resources for changing the way you see your own body and the bodies you see around you. And it’s free. Let’s change the world together.
Fat professional nerd, office goth, aspiring tax professional, and all around trans weirdo.