{The Body Liberation Guide} The challenges of building inclusive communities
Hi friend,
I was featured in Authority Magazine recently! It was pretty cool to get to talk at length about something vital to fat and other marginalized folks β community building.
In a world where larger-bodied people are openly discriminated against, paid less, promoted less often, stereotyped, and shamed, activism and community building have also become an important part of my work.
I spent many years lurking on blogs and forums and in comment sections, learning and listening, before starting to speak out myself. I’m so grateful for the education I received (and still receive!) from people who are more marginalized than I am, particularly Black and Indigenous people.
Listening and spending time in communities with highly-marginalized people has allowed me to be aware of the types of bodies I’m representing in my work, on my website and on social media. When people from marginalized groups are my clients and customers, it’s given me ways to check in and ensure that they have a great experience that takes into account their particular needs.
In the rest of the interview, I talk about the challenges of building inclusive communities, the most important thing you can do while building and why you should be aware of thin privilege.
P.S. Share this week’s letter or save to read laterΒ here. Want to support this work?Β Buy me a coffeeΒ orΒ join the Patreon.
The Conversation
Here’s what’s being discussed this week in the world of body acceptance and fat liberation:
Β» You can stream EMBODIED now (watch)
Β» COVID isn’t over for disabled and older adults (read)
Β» ASSUME THAT I CAN | World Down Syndrome Day 2024 (watch)
Β» ANALYSIS: When Speed Cameras Are Racist (read)
Β» We’re talking about the lack of size-inclusive, and trendy clothes for plus-sized men. (read)
Unicorn chaser: Our plan to cheer on the salmon was derailed by the fact that they can’t read (see)
Quick Resources: Diet Culture and Romantic Relationships
Β» Food Psych #185: How Diet Culture Hurts Your Relationships
Β» How to eat intuitively when your person doesn’t get it
Β» How to talk to your spouse/significant other about intuitive eating
Β» Fatphobia vs. Friendship: How Diet Culture Harms Relationships
Β» Why Breaking Up with Diet Culture Leads to Dating Success
Hi there! I'm Lindley. I create artwork that celebrates the unique beauty of bodies that fall outside conventional "beauty" standards at Body Liberation Photography. I'm also the creator of Body Liberation Stock and the Body Love Shop, a curated central resource for body-friendly artwork and products. Find all my work here at bodyliberationphotos.com.