About body privileges | The Body Liberation Guide
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About body privileges | The Body Liberation Guide

I’m white. I have hair that falls into gentle waves with little to no styling. I’m very fat, but the way I carry my weight makes me look smaller than I am. My skin is mostly clear. I had braces as a teen, so my teeth are mostly straight. I can fit into the top…

Do you need to be an expert to be inclusive? | The Body Liberation Guide
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Do you need to be an expert to be inclusive? | The Body Liberation Guide

If you’ve been on the internet for a hot minute, you’ve probably heard of body positivity. The movement has some high-profile promoters — and a valuable outlook on the worth and beauty of all bodies. What does body positivity have to do with your business? Everything. By incorporating its principles into your business, you can…

Your fat activism guide to The Whale | The Body Liberation Guide
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Your fat activism guide to The Whale | The Body Liberation Guide

Hi friend, The big news in the fat-related world this week is Brendan Fraser’s hideously fatphobic new movie called The Whale. Since there’s been so much commentary, rather than including it in The Conversation section, I’ve given it its own list down in the Quick Resources.

Size contrition, part 3: Fuck flattering
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Size contrition, part 3: Fuck flattering

As we consider the concept of size contrition, let’s look at the “fuck flattering” trend that’s been sweeping the body positivity movement. On its face, “fuck flattering” is a rejection of size contrition and the forbearance it can generate. There’s a great article by Alysse D’alessandro at The Body is Not An Apology that talks…

A fat woman's body shown from the armpits to stomach, with pale skin and stretch marks. She is wearing a black bra and panties, and her image appears "torn" by the layout of the graphic. Overlaid is the title of the blog post.
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Size contrition: the performance of a lifetime

Today I’m thinking about a concept I’m calling size contrition. Size contrition is what we fat folks perform in order to win small amounts of forbearance from thin people. In essence, it allows us to temporarily access aspects of thin privilege in return for our public recognition of and apology for our fatness. For instance,…

Should healthcare providers be excused for weight stigma in medicine?
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Should healthcare providers be excused for weight stigma in medicine?

“They don’t know any better.” When I talk about weight stigma/weight bias and fatphobia in healthcare, that’s often the excuse that people make to me on behalf of healthcare providers. “That’s how they were taught.” In 2022, that excuse just isn’t good enough any more. Not only do we have a half-century of evidence that…

14+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Chronic Illness
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14+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Chronic Illness

Some days, caring for our fat bodies looks exactly like caring for any human body. On other days, we may need a little extra something to carry on. When it comes to chronic health conditions, though, caring for a fat body can be very different. Why? Because fat bodies are subject to weight stigma: discrimination…

16 ways to carry Health at Every Size forward
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16 ways to carry Health at Every Size forward

One of the transgressions of which Mikey Mercedes, ASDAH leadership and I have been accused is of “capitalizing” on the events of the last month for publicity and profit.  (Those events, in case you’re coming to this late, can be found here.) Not only should Mikey and I, as professionals and experts, have the opportunities…

A close-up of a fat woman's side and belly rolls in black and white, with a bit of a bra and arm showing.
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Health at Every Size®, Stories and Silence

It’s been an interesting week or so since Mikey Mercedes and I went public. In the time since, there’s been a lot of excellent discussion in marginalized communities.  In the Health at Every Size®-aligned healthcare provider groups to which I have access or connections, there’s been a silence that echoes almost as loudly as the…

A teal square with a four-leaf-clover background and the first sentence of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom.

{end weight stigma} Confidence isn’t a cure-all.

It’s important to understand that confidence isn’t a cure-all. One of the big issues with “just be confident and advocate for yourself! Don’t let anything stop you from fulfilling your dreams!” is that for fat folks, it simply doesn’t work that way. Sure, what a good friend calls “Confidence Magick” is helpful as each of…

{Listen} If there’s a war on ob*sity it’s a war on me: Conceiving It All with Georgie Owen
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{Listen} If there’s a war on ob*sity it’s a war on me: Conceiving It All with Georgie Owen

I don’t generally think of myself as what I call a “101-level educator.” That’s the kind of person whose talent is bringing people who are brand new to a concept gradually through it. To be honest, I don’t have the patience or emotional energy to gently and patiently convince people that fat people are both…

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25+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Diabetes

Some days, caring for our fat bodies looks exactly like caring for any human body. On other days, we may need a little extra something to carry on. When it comes to chronic health conditions like diabetes, though, caring for a fat body can be very different. Why? Because fat bodies are subject to weight…