15 Body-Positive Stock Photos of Visible Rolls and Bellies

When I work with photography clients for body- and fat-positive boudoir and portrait sessions at my studio outside Seattle, the most common body area people are sensitive about is their bellies.

Sometimes, we explore that desire to hide such a vital and vulnerable part of our bodies, working together to create photographs from different angles. And when a client isn’t ready for that, I emphasize other parts of their bodies instead.

Why do we feel such shame around our bellies?

  • Fatphobia
  • A media environment where we’re surrounded by aspirational bodies (most of which are Photoshopped beyond human possibility anyway)
  • Diet culture (“get a flat stomach now with this one weird trick!”)

“One night I found a website that just had photos of girls with stomach rolls and back rolls and they were smiling and so happy and I cried because I was uncomfortable and envious of their joy.”

» Mary Lambert

It is possible to feel neutral about or even appreciate our bellies. And one of the best ways to do it is to normalize seeing bellies and belly outlines — and fat rolls — both in our personal media intake and in our culture.

A plus-size woman gives herself a hug. She’s sitting on a bed with blue sheets in a white room, and it’s implied that she is nude. Her belly rolls, arms, and tattooed and unshaven legs are visible.

Visible Rolls & Bellies Photos for Body-Positive, Anti-Diet & Health at Every Size® Marketing

Here are 14 more beautiful photos from the Visible Rolls & Bellies collection at Body Liberation Stock, the world’s first and best site for high-resolution stock images of large bodies for commercial use. Use these images on your website, social media, flyers, brochures, and other marketing materials to represent more of your customers, clients, and prospects. You’ll also be helping to change the world by increasing the representation of large-bodied and fat folks.

These stock photos are often used by:

  • Health at Every Size healthcare providers, authors, therapists, nutritionists, and dietitians
  • Body image, intuitive eating, and life coaches
  • HAES eating disorder treatment professionals
  • Inclusive and fat-friendly fitness pros and personal trainers
  • Plus-size fashion designers, retailers and eCommerce
  • Body-positive bloggers and influencers
A plus size personal trainer poses in her fitness studio. This woman is a professional body positive fitness instructor who practices health at every size (HAES). She has red hair and is wearing a black tank top with blue and purple leggings in an ombre floral pattern. She’s lying on the floor with her legs propped against a lavender wall and is looking at the camera with a neutral expression

“Belly, companion, digester of snacks, you wobble when I laugh, rise and fall as I breathe, rollick, tingle, give me signals when someone around me is a liar or a danger or a friend, the site of my hunger (my aliveness), receiver of rubs and kisses from mother and lovers, layer of warmth, inspirer of gasps and of erections in tight short dresses, you move with me, a sign of my indelible perfection.”

» Virgie Tovar
A plus-size woman with short hair, pale skin and sunglasses leans against a fence in a park near industrial pipes. She’s wearing blue jeans and a black crop top sweater.
A plus-size woman with long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail jogs through a garden filled with trees and bushes on a gravel path. She is wearing a pink t-shirt, black athletic leggings and blue running shoes. She’s looking at the camera and smiling. (Many thanks to Ragen Chastain at danceswithfat.org for this image!)
A plus-size woman with pale skin, short brown hair and glasses sits on a bench in a brown wooden gazebo in front of green bushes. She is wearing a necklace, long pink dress and black boots, and has one hand resting behind a gray stuffed elephant toy. She’s looking at the camera and smiling.
A diverse group of people participates in a dance class in a yoga studio with wooden floors, red walls, and mirrors.

“Up until I started powerlifting 3 years ago, I would be covered up head to toe because I was ashamed of my “fat” body. I was told most of my young adult life to cover up because no one wanted to see my fat. I love this body. Every stretch mark and fat roll included. This powerbelly can do incredible things like squatting and deadlifting 500+ pounds.”

» Becci PrettySTRONG Holcomb
A plus-size woman poses in front of a sunset-lit city skyline and water with one arm in the air and the other wrapped around it. She’s wearing blue jeans and a black crop top sweater.

More Visible Belly & Roll Stock Photos

From left to right, top to bottom:

  1. Plus-Size Woman Reading in Bed
  2. Plus-Size Women Eat, Drink, and Talk at Outdoor Summer Tea Party
  3. Young Plus-Size Woman in Green Garden
  4. Close-Up View of Recovering Woman
  5. Women Eating Ice Cream
  6. Plus-Size Woman Reading in Bed
  7. African American Woman with Glazed Donuts
  8. Pacific Islander Woman Hula Dancing on Evening Pebbled Beach

Moon Cycle Guide at Shelbey Osborne | Website

Shelbey Osborne is a 200-hour Yoga Teacher. She is passionate about yoga and astrology and uses these teachings to help individuals connect deeper to their own intuition. She is an advocate for body acceptance and applying a self-compassionate approach to all areas of our lives.