“There is no such thing as “100% health.” Understanding the “non-diet” approach, means understanding “health” on a spectrum basis, and rejecting over-simplified, dualistic (aka “black” and “white”) interpretations of health in our culture.
In reality, there is no such thing as “100% health” or “100% un-health;” on the contrary—we are constantly bouncing around between these imaginary endpoints, falling on different points on different days, depending on a million factors.
The word “spectrum,” in fact, may itself be misleading, as health (and health choices) do not fall on one two-dimensional line, but rather, on a multidimensional matrix—a collage of intersecting realms of “health” (e.g. physical health, emotional health, and evermore subsections beyond them).
In essence, “health” is not binary—
it is not something we “do” or “don’t do,” it is not something we “have” or “don’t have,” and it is certainly not something at which we can “fail” or “succeed.”
Health is an ebbing, flowing, living web of choices and experiences, that we navigate differently from day to day, depending on our ever-changing priorities, environment, and personal circumstances.”
Healthcare Stock Photos for Size-Diverse, Anti-Diet & Health at Every Size® Marketing
Here are 19 beautiful photos from the healthcare collection at Body Liberation Stock, the world’s first and best site for high-resolution stock images of large bodies for commercial use. Use these images on your website, social media, flyers, brochures, and other marketing materials to represent more of your customers, clients, and prospects. You’ll also be helping to change the world by increasing the representation of large-bodied and fat folks.
These stock photos are often used by:
Health at Every Size healthcare providers, authors, therapists, nutritionists, and dietitians
Body image, intuitive eating, and life coaches
HAES eating disorder treatment professionals
Inclusive and fat-friendly fitness pros and personal trainers
Plus-size fashion designers, retailers and eCommerce
“Your worth as a human is not dictated by your medical charts or ability to run marathons. You have inherent value — every human does. It’s really that simple.”
Shelbey Osborne is a 200-hour Yoga Teacher. She is passionate about yoga and astrology and uses these teachings to help individuals connect deeper to their own intuition. She is an advocate for body acceptance and applying a self-compassionate approach to all areas of our lives.
» Food Psych #185: How Diet Culture Hurts Your Relationships Health At Every Size® life coach Kristina Bruce joins us to discuss how diet culture can affect relationships, how to find self-trust and self-acceptance in recovering from disordered eating, how diet culture shows up in spiritual communities, why health and well-being is about so much more…
I promised I’d make more videos, but speaking off the cuff makes me so nervous! So I’m sharing a trick I recently learned for helping myself AND other people feel more comfortable in social situations. Click through and watch it on Instagram for closed captions/subtitles. I’m a photographer, writer and fat acceptance activist. Dive deep…
Today it’s my pleasure to feature a guest post by Tiana Dodson, a coach and friend who writes about “being fat and winning at life by forgoing the old school belief that you have to be thin to live well and be well.” The images in this post are courtesy Sweet Amaranth. When was the last…
Hi friend, I know there’s a major American holiday to go before we hit January 1, but I’m taking a couple of weeks off, so I want you to have and hang onto this guide for when you need it. I’ll next see you with a new Body Liberation Guide in mid-January. Depending on your…
Here’s one simple action you can take to help end discrimination against fat bodies this week: Stop appropriating the experiences and oppression of people who are fatter than you. If you live in a body that is of average size (the average American woman wears a size 14-18) or a bit larger (what some folks…