LISTEN: Lindley on the Rising Whole Podcast (with Transcript)
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LISTEN: Lindley on the Rising Whole Podcast (with Transcript)

On this episode of the Rising Whole podcast, Prim Ormanovich and I talk about how coherency in your business comes from having an underlying ethical framework or cause, and how my own underlying framework led to me splintering my business into many separate parts — and then bringing it together again. The podcast is no…

LISTEN: Lindley on PowerPivot with Leela Sinha (with Transcript)
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LISTEN: Lindley on PowerPivot with Leela Sinha (with Transcript)

So many of the dynamics around bodies, weight and worth are really about power, and it was fascinating to dig into those power dynamics with Leela Sinha, host of the PowerPivot podcast. We talk about being unafraid of power, claiming your power, whether vulnerability offers or contains inherent power, and the power in anger. You…

Ask a Fat Creator: Vanessa Ferreira
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Ask a Fat Creator: Vanessa Ferreira

This is the Body Liberation Photos Ask a Fat Creator (and Allies) series, in which we find out more about the lives, work and breakfasts of all kinds of large-bodied and marginalized creators and their allies. Vanessa Chica is a NYC Educator, Writer, Poet, Playwright and Fat Activist. She has featured at various events such…

Let’s talk about the Renfrew Center, Harin Feibish and the persistent fear and hatred of fat and fatness in eating disorder treatment.
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Let’s talk about the Renfrew Center, Harin Feibish and the persistent fear and hatred of fat and fatness in eating disorder treatment.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lindley Ashline (she/her) (@bodyliberationwithlindley) on Aug 26, 2020 at 9:29am PDT I never intended to get involved in the eating disorder community. I’ve never had an ED. But the prevalence of ED treatment clinicians and patients in the health at every size (#HAES) community forced me…

For the folks who are losing it
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For the folks who are losing it

The first two paragraphs of the thought below deserve a content note for violence and fat hatred, though the rest doesn’t. Please protect yourself as needed. I got my first death wish this week. One of my anti-diet Facebook posts was apparently shared in a Facebook group for bodybuilders that spends some of their effort…

The mental load of living in a fat body
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The mental load of living in a fat body

Today I’m thinking about the mental load of living as a fat person and how it’s affected by one small example: this Renfrew newsletter mess. (Trigger warnings apply.) If you live in a smaller body, you can say, “Oh, that’s terrible” and move right along with your life. But if you live in a fat…

“In The Grip Of Hunger” (probably the most triggering thing I’ll post in 2020)
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“In The Grip Of Hunger” (probably the most triggering thing I’ll post in 2020)

Content note: Open bigotry; fatphobia in a medical and healthcare treatment setting. Image is Edvard Munch’s “The Scream.” “As I sit across from my 5’ 8” 350-pound client, I am filled with discomfort and fear. In the grip of my terror, I want to fix her, to make her healthy and to protect her from…

Ask a Fat Ally: Dietitian Meghan Cichy
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Ask a Fat Ally: Dietitian Meghan Cichy

This is the Body Liberation Photos Ask a Fat Creator (and Allies) series, in which we find out more about the lives, work and breakfasts of all kinds of large-bodied and marginalized creators and their allies. Meghan (she/her) is a Registered Dietitian by training. She specializes in working with folks with eating disorders, disordered eating,…

Are you a fat admirer? If so, take these 10 steps immediately.
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Are you a fat admirer? If so, take these 10 steps immediately.

Dear fat admirers and chubby chasers: We don’t care whether you find us attractive. At all. Every time I talk about the innate desirability, attractiveness or sexuality of fat women, men roll up to let the world know that unlike the rabble, they like fat women. A lot. In fact, they even have a thing…

Should you set boundaries on your Facebook posts?
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Should you set boundaries on your Facebook posts?

“All relationships need boundaries. A boundary is an imaginary line that separates me from you. They separate your physical space, your feelings, needs, and responsibilities from others. Your boundaries also tell other people how they can treat you – what’s acceptable and what isn’t.” – Sharon Martin I didn’t learn to start setting boundaries until…

How to be a Fat Ally: Clothing Store Edition

How to be a Fat Ally: Clothing Store Edition

One of the more frustrating things about living in a fat body isn’t just finding something to wear — it’s warding off helpful advice that does more to help the suggestion-giver feel good than to help the suggestion-receiver. Clothing is both the classic and constant example. A couple of years ago, I mentioned — in…

In the Media: Lindley on Real Health Radio
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In the Media: Lindley on Real Health Radio

“But what I find so interesting about this whole conversation and about trolls in general is they’re so quick to put the onus on individuals. It could be really alleviating and lift all this fear – I guess except for the fear of change – but it really could alleviate a lot of fear to…

Our pain ≠ your gain
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Our pain ≠ your gain

Please stop asking us to describe our pain for your gain. You’re preparing a presentation for your colleagues, or your class, or your professional society on healthcare, Health at Every Size, or weight stigma. You want to include some stories of the harassment, bias, discrimination and hatred fat people face every day, but since you…

The Body Positive Maven: An Interview with Lindley Ashline
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The Body Positive Maven: An Interview with Lindley Ashline

Over at Releasing the Phoenix, I’m talking with Ashley Nestler about photography as a liberating force, the Body Love Box’s origins, PCOS and stigma, and how to increase your self-confidence.

In the Media: Lindley on Eat the Rules (with Transcript)
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In the Media: Lindley on Eat the Rules (with Transcript)

Eat the Rules (formerly Fearless Rebelle Radio) was at the top of my podcast speaking wishlist for years, and it was such an amazing opportunity to appear in episode 168 with Summer Innanen! In this episode, we chat about: My story of growing up without television and pop culture and how this shaped my body…

LISTEN: Lindley on the Fat Girl Finds Love Podcast (with Transcript)
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LISTEN: Lindley on the Fat Girl Finds Love Podcast (with Transcript)

On the Fat Girl Finds Love Podcast, I’m talking with Briana Cavanaugh about fategories, luck and privilege in relationships, finding a doctor you trust, and scars in photography. Give it a listen to learn more about my story as we celebrate the unique beauty of bodies that fall outside conventional “beauty” standards. Today we talked…

It’s time for a reality check on looks.

It’s time for a reality check on looks.

It’s time for a reality check on looks. Think back to the last TV, magazine or online ad you saw that contained an image of a woman. Odds are she was young, very thin, white, stylish, and either happy or appealingly pouty. She probably had perfect skin and brows, no body hair or wrinkles whatsoever,…

The mysterious case of the plus-size clothing consumer.
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The mysterious case of the plus-size clothing consumer.

I was standing in the aisle between cubicles when I turned my back, gritted my teeth and said, rather shortly, “No, really, you can check the tag on my pants if you don’t believe me.” I’d made a casual comment about not being able to find black slacks that I liked, and a well-meaning but…

Scripts for Allies: Please Clothe My Fat Friend!
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Scripts for Allies: Please Clothe My Fat Friend!

As we explore the concept of thin privilege and how it affects everyday life over on Instagram, one of the most common questions I receive is, “What am I supposed to do about it?” None of us are singlehandedly responsible for changing entire cultures and systems of oppression, but each of us can take small…

LISTEN: Lindley on the Escape Diet Prison Podcast (with Transcript)
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LISTEN: Lindley on the Escape Diet Prison Podcast (with Transcript)

When I started my photography business in 2015, I had never seen or met another fat photographer. I wasn’t sure if it was even possible. (Because what we see around us tells us what is possible for people like us.) Now, of course, I know many fat photographers, both because I’ve deliberately sought out other…

Inclusive and Diverse Marketing in Yoga & Fitness Spaces: A NEDA and YBIC Roundtable Discussion (video with transcript)
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Inclusive and Diverse Marketing in Yoga & Fitness Spaces: A NEDA and YBIC Roundtable Discussion (video with transcript)

I was honored to recently be part of a roundtable series, a collaboration between the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and Yoga & Body Image Coalition (YBIC), called Growing & Thriving Together: A Roundtable Series on Diversity, Inclusivity & Accessibility in Yoga and Fitness Spaces. The discussion for which I was a panelist focused on…

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25+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Diabetes

Some days, caring for our fat bodies looks exactly like caring for any human body. On other days, we may need a little extra something to carry on. When it comes to chronic health conditions like diabetes, though, caring for a fat body can be very different. Why? Because fat bodies are subject to weight…