Creator Month: Artist and Author Miles Lyons

Creator Month: Artist and Author Miles Lyons

“I won’t date anyone who doesn’t love my body as-is, and I don’t want to be friends with people who think being fat is bad. I draw a pretty hard line on that and the people I hang out with understand that’s a requirement of being in my life.” » Miles Lyons Today’s interview is…

Listen: Lindley with Amy Rapone on the RadLove Radio Podcast
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Listen: Lindley with Amy Rapone on the RadLove Radio Podcast

New podcast drop! I had the chance to talk with Health at Every Size®-aligned and fat-positive nutritionist Amy Rapone on her podcast RadLove Radio. In this episode, we talk about: How I became a photographer despite never having seen anyone like me doing photography Susan Boyle and talking dogs Who finds career opportunities from 15…

Creator Month: Educator, Writer, Poet & Playwright Vanessa Ferreira

Creator Month: Educator, Writer, Poet & Playwright Vanessa Ferreira

“Begin by removing anyone on your social media who promotes the opposite of loving your body just the way it is. Then look for and follow others who not are only learning to love and accept their bodies but who are celebrating them LOUDLY! It makes such a difference when you scroll down your timeline…

Creator Month: Fat Librarian & Artist Danielle Gregori

Creator Month: Fat Librarian & Artist Danielle Gregori

“To exist and to thrive, there needs to be space for me in this world–I’m determined to claim that space, and to make space for everyone else behind me.” » Danielle Gregori Today’s interview is with @fitfatlibrarian. Here’s how she describes herself: Danielle is a fat librarian that does art in her free time. She loves…

Creator Month: Fat-Positive Artist Kristine Zaftig

Creator Month: Fat-Positive Artist Kristine Zaftig

“You don’t have to love your body to treat your body with love. This can look like taking breaks when you need to, unfollowing that page that makes you feel weird about your body, listening to fat musicians, wearing clothes that are comfortable, getting seconds, or letting your thighs splay out and take up space!…

Creator Month: Expressive Arts Therapist Lisa Daughters

Creator Month: Expressive Arts Therapist Lisa Daughters

“Whole worlds exist in people that they feel they have to keep hidden away in order to present only the acceptable parts. Those of us facing the world in a stigmatized body don’t often get away without complex feelings about that body. And those messages that build shame only make it harder for a lot…

Listen: Lindley on Living in a Larger Body with the Understanding Body Matters Podcast
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Listen: Lindley on Living in a Larger Body with the Understanding Body Matters Podcast

I’ve had the honor of being on a number of Australian podcasts, and every time, I wonder the same thing: What do they think about my American accent?? More importantly, it is very cool to have the opportunity to speak virtually all over the world about body acceptance and fat activism, most recently with the…

Listen: How Activist Writing Creates Growth with Cat Pausé on the Friend of Marilyn Podcast
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Listen: How Activist Writing Creates Growth with Cat Pausé on the Friend of Marilyn Podcast

In this episode of Friend of Marilyn, Cat Pausé and I talk about the to-be-revived Body Love Box, the Body Liberation Guide and how what you focus on moves you forward.

Creator Month: Graphic Designer, Fat Activist and Body Liberation Advocate Rachelle Abellar

Creator Month: Graphic Designer, Fat Activist and Body Liberation Advocate Rachelle Abellar

“By publishing zines about the fat experience, I am helping de-stigmatize fatness in society. I do what I do with the hope that everything I put out into the world will inspire others, break down fat stereotypes, and change negative attitudes toward fat people.” » Rachelle Abellar Today’s interview is with Rachelle @archivesix. Rachelle Abellar…

Creator Month: Sculptor and Illustrator Saya Collins

Creator Month: Sculptor and Illustrator Saya Collins

“The pieces I create are not perfect. They take a bit of me. I’m odd and I’m memorable, I love myself, and I love my work. Through my pieces I express my joy, my hopes, all of my experiences over the continuing course of my existence. Each piece is a piece of me, and when…

🥳 🎨 November is Creator Month! 🎨 🥳
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🥳 🎨 November is Creator Month! 🎨 🥳

I’m so excited to introduce you to an array of fat and marginalized creators (plus an ally or two). We’ll be talking to models, writers, artists, photographers and more. I’ll be posting one interview here per day. Since Nov. also contains Small Business Saturday, consider these as your businesses to support this year. Here’s how…

Listen: Lindley on the Destiny’s Universe Podcast
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Listen: Lindley on the Destiny’s Universe Podcast

One of the reasons I talk about vulnerability in business so much is that giving ourselves the grace and space to be vulnerable allows us to not expect perfection from ourselves or others. When we give ourselves the grace of imperfection, it means that when we mess up — as we inevitably will, as people…

🎤 Help a reporter, change the media narrative and save the world

🎤 Help a reporter, change the media narrative and save the world

In which I describe how Health at Every Size®, fat liberation, fat acceptance, and body positivity advocates can use the Help a Reporter Out (HARO) list to change media narratives around bodies and weight. How to HARO: Help a Reporter Out, or HARO, is an email list that reporters use to find sources for stories….

Instant replay: Instagram Live – Kids, Body Image and Health at Every Size®
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Instant replay: Instagram Live – Kids, Body Image and Health at Every Size®

Today I’m asking body-positive and Health at Every Size®-aligned nanny and parent consultant Sarah @bodypositiveparenting all about her job, including: 🚸 What does a body-positive nanny do? What does #HAES have to do with it? 🚸 What should parents look for in a nanny who will help their kids grow up with a positive body image? 🚸 What Sarah…

The Body Liberation Blanket Fort: Why Discord?
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The Body Liberation Blanket Fort: Why Discord?

In which I talk about how and why I chose Discord for my body-positive, fat-positive community space. To get access, support my Patreon at any level. It starts at $1 USD per month (and if that’s a hardship for you, please let me know and I’ll be happy to give you free access). Once you…

Love this photo? You could be using it in your marketing!

Love this photo? You could be using it in your marketing!

“The images we see—or don’t see—matter. They tell us what’s possible.” » Emily Nagoski The more we see unrealistic, idealized people in advertising and the media, the more it makes us doubt the worth of our own bodies, skin colors, looks and orientations. Thankfully, the world is changing. Customers are demanding better from the companies…

Thin privilege is not having to learn both sewing and pattern making to have clothing that’s fun, stylish, creative, fits well…or just fits, period.

Thin privilege is not having to learn both sewing and pattern making to have clothing that’s fun, stylish, creative, fits well…or just fits, period.

Thin privilege is not having to learn both sewing and pattern making to have clothing that’s fun, stylish, creative, fits well…or just fits, period. One of the most common dismissals that gets thrown at fat folks when we talk about how apparel companies would rather lose money than make clothing for us is, “You can…

A plus-size Black woman in a striped skirt and red sweater sits in a leather chair in an office lobby, looking off to one side and smiling slightly.

Love this photo? You could be using it in your marketing!

“The images we see—or don’t see—matter. They tell us what’s possible.” » Emily Nagoski The more we see unrealistic, idealized people in advertising and the media, the more it makes us doubt the worth of our own bodies, skin colors, looks and orientations. Thankfully, the world is changing. Customers are demanding better from the companies…

Listen: Lindley on how businesses can welcome larger bodies on Massage Business Blueprint
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Listen: Lindley on how businesses can welcome larger bodies on Massage Business Blueprint

I love digging in and talking about the practical aspects of body liberation, especially when it comes to running a business. On Massage Business Blueprint, Allissa, Michael and I discuss how all types of brick-and-mortar businesses can attract and welcome fat folks as customers and clients, including: How to talk about fat bodies (fat? larger…

🚪 Why I set boundaries on my social media posts
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🚪 Why I set boundaries on my social media posts

In which I talk about why I set no-advice boundaries on some of my posts on Facebook and Instagram, and how you can support people you care about without giving unsolicited advice. Support this work by signing up for my free, beautiful and useful Body Liberation Guide newsletter at, and drop a dollar or…

A teal square with a chat bubble graphic and the first line of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom. End image description.

Thin privilege doesn’t make you a bad person or one with super special benefits.

Thin privilege doesn’t make you a bad person or one with super special benefits. The super special benefit is not facing the obstacles placed in the way of fat folks. Your body size is mostly or always included, and you don’t have to constantly think about it. Privilege is unearned, but it’s not something you…

Listen: Lindley on the Hell Yeah Techcast with Jenn Hume
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Listen: Lindley on the Hell Yeah Techcast with Jenn Hume

Every single time I’m asked to be on a podcast, it’s an honor, but it’s an especially big deal to be the very first guest on an existing podcast! Jenn Hume, owner of Hell Yeah Tech, and I talked on her Hell Yeah Techcast about websites, marketing and inclusive stock photography. Jenn is exactly my…

A fat person is shown from the waist down, wearing a striped dress and sitting on a couch in a plus-size clothing store. They're trying on red high-heeled shoes that are too small for their feet.

Love this photo? You could be using it in your marketing!

“The images we see—or don’t see—matter. They tell us what’s possible.” » Emily Nagoski The more we see unrealistic, idealized people in advertising and the media, the more it makes us doubt the worth of our own bodies, skin colors, looks and orientations. Thankfully, the world is changing. Customers are demanding better from the companies…

In the Body Love Shop: The mini-book My Body Positive Journey from artist and illustrator Tatiana Gill!

In the Body Love Shop: The mini-book My Body Positive Journey from artist and illustrator Tatiana Gill!

In the Body Love Shop: The mini-book My Body Positive Journey from artist and illustrator Tatiana Gill! This little book is a quarter-size look at one woman’s journey towards body acceptance. Gill’s work is unflinchingly honest and vulnerable. 🔑 Intimate🔑 Honest🔑 Raw🔑 Lived experience

Thin privilege is not having your body used as a shorthand for a long list of negative qualities, characteristics and traits.

Thin privilege is not having your body used as a shorthand for a long list of negative qualities, characteristics and traits.

Thin privilege is not having your body used as a shorthand for a long list of negative qualities, characteristics and traits. Dolores Umbridge. Ursula. Kingpin. Jabba the Hut. The Dursleys. Fat lawyers and politicians in 150 years of political cartoons. It’s no coincidence that so many villains in books and movies are fat. Their weight…

Origins of Weight Stigma #11: The just-world fallacy

Origins of Weight Stigma #11: The just-world fallacy

Why do people hate and fear fat bodies? Weight stigma — also known as fatphobia, fatmisia, anti-fatness and fat hatred — ties into threads of power and profit going back centuries. Let’s look at one of the factors: The just world fallacy. Our culture wants us to believe that bodies are simple machines with simple…