A magenta background with the words, Next time a fat person talks about weight stigma and your gut reaction is, "Well I'm fat and that's not a problem for me/I've never seen that," consider that you might not actually be particularly fat.
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The experiences of larger fat people are very, very different from those of smaller fat people and average-sized people.

The experiences of larger fat people are very, very different from those of smaller fat people and average-sized people. If you’ve never experienced, seen or heard of a particular type of weight stigma or an experience a fat person is describing, there’s a good chance you’re simply not fat enough to be treated that way….

Should healthcare providers be excused for weight stigma in medicine?
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Should healthcare providers be excused for weight stigma in medicine?

“They don’t know any better.” When I talk about weight stigma/weight bias and fatphobia in healthcare, that’s often the excuse that people make to me on behalf of healthcare providers. “That’s how they were taught.” In 2022, that excuse just isn’t good enough any more. Not only do we have a half-century of evidence that…

A teal square with a four-leaf-clover background and the first sentence of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom.
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{activism} Being fat is having your very existence considered to be dangerous.

Being fat is having your very existence considered to be dangerous. Any sort of visibility whatsoever — from walking down the street to posting a selfie online — is considered dangerous because we might encourage others to look like us. (See: “glorifying o*”) Our bodies are considered, against all actual evidence, to be inherently diseased,…

A teal square with a four-leaf-clover background and the first sentence of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom.

{end weight stigma} Confidence isn’t a cure-all.

It’s important to understand that confidence isn’t a cure-all. One of the big issues with “just be confident and advocate for yourself! Don’t let anything stop you from fulfilling your dreams!” is that for fat folks, it simply doesn’t work that way. Sure, what a good friend calls “Confidence Magick” is helpful as each of…

A yellow square with a post-it note design and the text "What would your life look like if you minded your own body business?" Lindley's logo is at the bottom.

I wish I could just talk about loving your body.

I wish I could just talk about loving your body. I really do, y’all. I would be perfectly content to post pretty photos and talk about why you should paint your stretch marks with glitter. (Which is totally worth doing, by the way.) But I can’t reconcile myself to staying safe and dainty and quiet….

A yellow square with a post-it note design and the text "Your worth is not dependent on your health." Lindley's logo is at the bottom.

What would your life look like if you minded your own body business?

Your worth is not dependent on your health. That meme about how “your weight is not your worth” goes around a lot, and it’s true! But your health is also not your worth. You don’t gain worthiness points for being closer to the pop culture vision of “health.” and you don’t lose worthiness points for…

A yellow square with a post-it note design and the text "What would your life look like if you minded your own body business?" Lindley's logo is at the bottom.

What would your life look like if you minded your own body business?

What would your life look like if you just…didn’t worry about what other people’s bodies looked like or were doing? What could you focus on if you didn’t feel the need to judge the clothing or body size or expression of the people walking past you in public? What might it look like if the…

Thin privilege is not having your body used as a shorthand for a long list of negative qualities, characteristics and traits.

Thin privilege is not having your body used as a shorthand for a long list of negative qualities, characteristics and traits.

Thin privilege is not having your body used as a shorthand for a long list of negative qualities, characteristics and traits. Dolores Umbridge. Ursula. Kingpin. Jabba the Hut. The Dursleys. Fat lawyers and politicians in 150 years of political cartoons. It’s no coincidence that so many villains in books and movies are fat. Their weight…

Origins of Weight Stigma #2: Racism

Origins of Weight Stigma #2: Racism

Why do people hate and fear fat bodies? Weight stigma — also known as fatphobia, fatmisia, anti-fatness and fat hatred — ties into threads of power and profit going back centuries. Let’s look at one of the primary factors: Racism. As ably described in great depth in Sabrina Strings’ recent book Fearing the Black Body,…

Here are 5 reasons to learn about weight stigma from fat people.

Fat people MUST be treated as the experts on our own lives, bodies and oppression.

Fat people MUST be treated as the experts on our own lives, bodies and oppression. Must. Here are 5 reasons to learn about weight stigma from fat people. 1. Learning about weight stigma from people with thin privilege deprives the people most affected by fat hatred of the opportunity to speak authentically about our lived…

Park Rangers, Young Lovers, Fatphobia and Resilience
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Park Rangers, Young Lovers, Fatphobia and Resilience

I went on a trip! It was lovely! At least, most of it was. People in small bodies go out in public and come home with lovely memories. People in fat bodies go out in public and come home with thorns among the roses. The Young Lovers This is the couple who wanted my spot…