{wandering} Mowich Lake, WA
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{wandering} Mowich Lake, WA

Mowich Lake is one of my favorite semi-hidden Washington day trip destinations. It’s located in Mount Rainier National Park, but getting there requires you to take a separate route from the main park roads, over some (public access) unpaved logging roads that are more or less adventurous depending on how recently they’ve been maintained. The…

Love this photo? You could be using it in your marketing!

Love this photo? You could be using it in your marketing!

“The images we see—or don’t see—matter. They tell us what’s possible.” » Emily Nagoski The more we see unrealistic, idealized people in advertising and the media, the more it makes us doubt the worth of our own bodies, skin colors, looks and orientations. Thankfully, the world is changing. Customers are demanding better from the companies…

A teal square with a chat bubble graphic and the first line of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom.

Thin privilege is buying clothes off the rack at a brick-and-mortar store.

Thin privilege is buying clothes off the rack at a brick-and-mortar store. This is one of the areas where the spectrum of privilege is really easy to see. The larger your body, the more limits there are on where you can buy clothing, and the options diminish really rapidly. Folks who wear a size 24…

Sunny Seattle fall plus-size portraits: Dr. Shereen Spriggs

Sunny Seattle fall plus-size portraits: Dr. Shereen Spriggs

I’m still not officially open for client photography sessions due to the delta COVID variant, but I recently made an exception for a(n outdoor, distanced, vaccinated) group session that’s been in the works since pre-pandemic and will be revealed soon. Dr. Spriggs (she/her) was part of that group, and she stayed for a few minutes…

{wandering} Mount Baker, Table Mountain and fat self-care
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{wandering} Mount Baker, Table Mountain and fat self-care

I’ve only been to Mount Baker, Washington in the fall, and that’s the way I like it. The time of year of that first visit was coincidental — it was on my trip list and we wanted to get in before the highway closed for the winter — but I don’t know that any other…

A teal square with a chat bubble graphic and the first line of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom. End image description.

Thin privilege is not having your body used as a societal scapegoat.

Fat people suffer worse health outcomes due to weight stigma? Blame fat people and call them inherently diseased. Fat people are more at risk from COVID due to biased healthcare? Blame fat people and tell them they deserve it. Fat people can’t buy attractive, well-fitting clothing? Blame fat people and call them frumpy and unfashionable….

40 kind words for your body
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40 kind words for your body

When you think about bodies — your own or other people’s — what words do you use? Our thoughts and feelings about bodies are shaped by the words we use to describe them. Here are 40 kind, loving descriptive words to replace the negative ones we’ve been taught. Find the written post at https://www.prospecttherapy.com/blog/2018/8/13/guest-blog-post-40-kind-and-positive-words-for-your-body, and…

Five fat people in casual clothing sit on a concrete wall in front of bushes and a building. They're all holding bathroom scales and giving the scales a middle finger.

“Guilt can be replaced with a clarifying anger”

“You would be surprised how seldom it occurs to people that their problems are not their fault. By focusing on fairness and justice, a patient may have a chance to find what has so frequently been lost: an ability to care for and stand up for herself. Guilt can be replaced with a clarifying anger,…

Lindley, a fat white woman in a purple dress and glasses, stands in front of green bushes and looks away from the camera. She looks annoyed, resigned or irritated.

Why are fat people so mean?

In which I discuss why you might not get the reaction you want or expect when you interact with fat folks in the fat acceptance, body positivity or Health at Every Size® movements. (There’s a version with subtitles on Instagram.) ◇─◇──« »──◇─◇ Hi there! I’m Lindley (she/her, pronounced LIN-lee). I create artwork that celebrates the…

A faded photo of three fat feminine people in dresses at a tea party table. They look like they're disagreeing or annoyed. Text on top says, "Ask Lindley: The group I run is fatphobic and I don't know how to fix it!"

“Does it get any easier? Or does it just get harder the more vocal you get?”

Reader M. asks, “Does it get any easier? Or does it just get harder the more vocal you get? I had a situation in which my admin team of my local athletic group, all thin or smallfat women with the exception of me, did not back me up when I called out some inspiration porn…

A teal square with a chat bubble graphic and the first line of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom. End image description.

Thin privilege is not having three-year-old children think your body is bad.

Children begin absorbing and reflecting weight stigma as young as 3-5 years old. That’s how pervasive anti-fat bias is in our society, and it’s wrong and oppressive to have generations of children growing up pre-prejudiced against other humans simply for the size of their bodies. And, of course, what does that do to developing minds,…

A black-and-white photo of a trans woman with long hair. She is wearing a v-neck blouse, blazer and necklace and is smiling gently in front of bushes.

On being “conventionally attractive”

“Conventionally attractive” equals “willing to put in the time, effort, money, resources and pain and suffering required to gain social approval.” These are personal choices; (all people who identify as) women are equally valuable no matter which choices they make; and women are free to make the choices that work for them in their lives….

Is it okay to be an activist when you run a business?

Is it okay to be an activist when you run a business?

Why do some business owners wear their opinions, politics and activism on their sleeves? Let’s talk about “keeping politics out of your business” and why that’s not an option for marginalized people. ◇─◇──« »──◇─◇ Hear more from me on body politics, oppression and body image:

A fat white woman with long red-blonde hair is shown from the mid-back up, lying on her stomach on a bed with light blue sheets with her arms folded and looking at the camera. A small gray cat loafs near her.

How have you been caring for yourself lately?

I went to the chiropractor this morning and I am wiped, y’all. I’m grateful to have the freedom of a flexible schedule that allows me to lie down for a while, so I’m going to go do that. This much-needed chiro adjustment wasn’t something I particularly wanted to do, but that’s what radical self-care is:…

A teal square with a chat bubble graphic and the first line of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom.

Thin privilege is having medications like Plan B formulated for your body.

Did you know that Plan B (also known as the morning-after pill) is only effective for people who weigh 155 pounds or less? Fat people are left out of medical testing, equipment design, research and medication dosages. Privilege is unearned, but it’s not something you need to feel bad or guilty about. Let’s work to…

A black-and-white abstract photo of a fat person's thighs. One is in the light, while the other is in deep shadow.

“When I started to use the word fat as a self-descriptor, people would actually gasp.”

“When I started to use the word fat as a self-descriptor, people would actually gasp as if I had cursed or said something self-hating. If I said, ‘I’m too fat to do that,’ people would interject and say things like, ‘No you’re not fat, you’re beautiful,’ and I’d be so confused. Being fat does not…

Ask Lindley: “The group I run is fatphobic and I don’t know how to fix it”

Ask Lindley: “The group I run is fatphobic and I don’t know how to fix it”

Reader M. asks, “Does it get any easier? Or does it just get harder the more vocal you get? I had a situation in which my admin team of my local athletic group, all thin or smallfat women with the exception of me, did not back me up when I called out some inspiration porn…

A teal square with a chat bubble graphic and the first line of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom.

Thin privilege is never having your body shape used as a shorthand in books, comic books and movies for gluttony, greed or villainy.

Thin privilege is never having your body shape used as a shorthand in books, comic books and movies for gluttony, greed or villainy. If a fictional villain is shown in a thin body (e.g., Maleficent), we know that she is villainous due to her actions. (Along with musical and timing cues, as well as other…

Origins of Weight Stigma #5: Other Industries

Origins of Weight Stigma #5: Other Industries

Why do people hate and fear fat bodies? Weight stigma — also known as fatphobia, fatmisia, anti-fatness and fat hatred — ties into threads of power and profit going back centuries. Let’s look at one of the factors: Other industries. From the beauty industry to the wellness industry, dozens of major industries reap the financial…

A fat white person with short brown hair, wearing a floral-print black swimsuit top with bare arms and belly, looks up smiling among grapevines with green leaves. A glucose monitor is attached to their arm.

What is valuable and precious about fat bodies beyond being a comfort object

I recently challenged my Body Liberation Guide readers to answer the question, “What is valuable and precious about fat bodies beyond being a comfort object? How many things can you think of?”   Reader Bee Gee’s response was wonderful and glorious, and they generously gave me permission to share it. Read the list at http://bit.ly/guestbeegee!…

Body-Positive Journaling Prompt #1: What does a positive body image mean to you?

Body-Positive Journaling Prompt #1: What does a positive body image mean to you?

Here’s something to think and write about in this coming week: What does a positive body image mean to you?   You’re welcome to share your answers here (as long as they meet the space boundaries in my pinned stories) or write them down just for yourself. If this prompt was helpful for you, there…

Weight Stigma in Healthcare and My Story

Weight Stigma in Healthcare and My Story

Weight stigma is absolutely ubiquitous in healthcare. We know from studies that doctors treat fat folks differently. Many doctors assume that we’re lazy, gluttonous or noncompliant just from our body sizes, and a significant number don’t even want to touch us. Here’s a little of my own story about fatphobia, fatmisia and weight stigma in…

I want to ask people in the fitness world to put themselves in the shoes — and yoga pants — of people who live in fat bodies.

I want to ask people in the fitness world to put themselves in the shoes — and yoga pants — of people who live in fat bodies.

Recently I saw a comment from a fitness professional that got me thinking. She said that she wants to help people in bodies of all sizes get to the “happy place” of exercise. But it got me thinking. There are of course people who simply don’t get that kind of happy-making charge from body movement….

We shine brightly and will not be ignored: A guest post from Bee Gee
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We shine brightly and will not be ignored: A guest post from Bee Gee

I recently challenged my Body Liberation Guide readers to answer the question, “What is valuable and precious about fat bodies beyond being a comfort object? How many things can you think of?” Reader Bee Gee’s response was wonderful and glorious, and they generously gave me permission to share it here.

Thin privilege is getting in and out of your car in a crowded parking lot.

Thin privilege is getting in and out of your car in a crowded parking lot.

Thin privilege is getting in and out of your car in a crowded parking lot. It’s never having to try to crawl through your passenger side — or your trunk — to access the driver’s seat. It’s never having to ask, and then trust, a stranger to back your car out of a parking space….

Thin privilege is a higher likelihood of being taken seriously in business and entrepreneurial contexts.

Thin privilege is a higher likelihood of being taken seriously in business and entrepreneurial contexts.

Thin privilege is a higher likelihood of being taken seriously in business and entrepreneurial contexts. Participating in business-related spaces as a fat person is exhausting. Other entrepreneurs and business owners don’t think my target market is a “real” market worthy of being served. I’m treated like I can’t possibly know the first thing about business…

16 body-positive, fat-positive and diverse stock photos with a fall feeling

16 body-positive, fat-positive and diverse stock photos with a fall feeling

Whether you’re preparing for fall marketing campaigns or grabbing last-minute photos for blog posts, seasonal images are always useful. Try using body-positive fall stock photos to convey not only a sense of timeliness, but also a warm, colorful, comfortable feeling.   Here are 16 body-positive, fat-positive and diverse stock photos with a fall feeling. Use…