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What is the difference between body positive and fat positive?

  What’s the difference between body positivity and fat positivity? How about body liberation or Health at Every Size (also called HAES)? Here’s a quick look at the terms and definitions I use in my body liberation work. Transcript As body positivity becomes more mainstream I’m often getting questions about, well, what’s the difference between…

{Thin privilege} is eating out without fear of public ridicule
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{Thin privilege} is eating out without fear of public ridicule

Thin privilege is eating out without fear of public ridicule or shaming due to your body size or food choices. I don’t always do thin privilege posts because, honestly, they’re exhausting. Thin fragility leads people to argue endlessly with me rather than listen. One of the ways I use my own privilege as a white…

Heart-shaped bubbles in pastel colors with Lindley's logo and the first line of this post.
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{Thin privilege} is the ability to forget that fat people exist.

Thin privilege is the ability to forget that fat people exist. Despite there being more fat people in the United States than thin people, thin folks like to act like — and occasionally seem to believe that — we simply don’t exist. Living in a thin body is to exist in a bubble where everyone…

{The Body Liberation Guide} 🍕 You’re getting both?
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{The Body Liberation Guide} 🍕 You’re getting both?

Hi friend, We’re trying something new this week. I’m adding writings like these to a new collection in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort Patreon, and buying access to the collection will give you access to this and every other piece that’s added to that collection in the future. (Or, subscribe to the Patreon and get…

{The Body Liberation Guide} 🎨 When your art gets turned into art
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{The Body Liberation Guide} 🎨 When your art gets turned into art

Hi friend, I am freaking delighted to share this new Body Liberation Stock collection with you: a set of original, exclusive images from artist Kat Max. Kat (who you may have known in the past as Kathryn Hack) is one of the fat-positive artists whose work I admire most, and it’s such an honor to collaborate with her….

{The Body Liberation Guide} ✊ Inherently radical and political
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{The Body Liberation Guide} ✊ Inherently radical and political

Hi friend, Project Heal asked me to weigh in (pun intended) for Weight Stigma Awareness Week on a topic I’d been meaning to revisit: body positivity versus body liberation. What’s the difference, and why does it matter? Here’s a short excerpt: After centuries of racism-driven weight stigma, 75 years of diet culture telling us that…

{The Body Liberation Guide} They’ve done a survey of fat people and they’ve written a report
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{The Body Liberation Guide} They’ve done a survey of fat people and they’ve written a report

Hi friend, This month, we’re having a pretty special event in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort. Dalia Kinsey, author of Decolonizing Wellness, will be leading a discussion circle on Saturday, September 28 for healthcare providers to: Our experiences with our own bodies are reflected in the way we interact with patients and clients, so show up…

{The Body Liberation Guide} “If you weren’t so controversial….”
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{The Body Liberation Guide} “If you weren’t so controversial….”

Hi friend, There’s a new supporter reward in the Blanket Fort this week – Resources & Recs: Healthcare Providers! This is an ongoing reference of existing weight-neutral and Health at Every Size®-aligned healthcare provider directories, as well as specific recommendations for doctors and other healthcare pros. It’s very US-heavy right now, but I’d love to see…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Every day I’m strugglin’
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Every day I’m strugglin’

Hi friend, Today’s letter is the third in a four-part series (here are parts one and two). Bodies as business cards When our bodies are our business cards, the more those bodies are outside our cultural aspirations, the fewer people will want to buy. (And of course no business is going to appeal to everyone; how on earth…

plus size wedding
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{The Body Liberation Guide} But you run a business….

Hi friend, The website is back up, and should be faster! There were a few different issues I spent part of the week fixing, but it has a nice new look and speed now. It’s not perfect**, but for a one-person business, I’m so proud of it. Now to this week’s letter: In last week’s letter, I talked…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Are you a fat admirer?
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Are you a fat admirer?

Hi friend, There’s a quote that I keep coming back to over time: stop breaking yourself into bite size pieces for someone; stay whole and let them choke It’s useful as a reminder that my whole self has worth and value, no matter whether other people find me palatable or useful in a capitalist world. But…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Southwest’s seating change + customer of size policy
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Southwest’s seating change + customer of size policy

Hi friend, A quick note on the BLP website: The work that I thought would take me a week has dragged on, and on, and on.  Insert someone who was supposed to be fixing the WordPress theme erasing chunks of the site entirely, days of the site being down altogether, and endless screaming. I hope…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Ask a fat artist: Angelica Dred
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Ask a fat artist: Angelica Dred

Hi friend, The website maintenance continues, so expect the site to be extra quirky this week. And on Friday, over in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort we’ll be watching the Your Fat Friend documentary together and having a discussion afterward. Now, to this week’s letter, an interview with fat artist Angelica Dred! Tell me about you! What’s your name?…

{The Body Liberation Guide} The future is fat
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{The Body Liberation Guide} The future is fat

Hi friend, I have lots of updates for you this week! First, it’s such a cool opportunity and honor to be included in The Future is Fat issue of Womanly Mag! Pre-order your print issue here and support fat-positive media. Second, I’m working with a model next week to create new photographs for Body Liberation Stock. This time I’m…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Ditching old diet demons
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Ditching old diet demons

Hi friend, If you recall, back in April I did an art tour for the Seattle Erotic Art Festival called Aspirational Erotic: Body Size, Shame and Aesthetics. I thought you might be interested in how it went. This was my first time at both the festival and giving a talk of this sort, so afterward I was both proud…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Voices from underwater
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Voices from underwater

Hi friend, I know we’re slightly out of Mermay now, but mythical creatures are forever, so I want to talk some more about fat merfolk. Through the kind service of Mermaid Chè Monique and the Society of Fat Mermaids, I was able to add the voices of lots of fat merfolk to An Ocean of Fat Merfolk. I also…

{The Body Liberation Guide} I don’t see how it’s connected….
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{The Body Liberation Guide} I don’t see how it’s connected….

Hi friend, The initial lineup of events for the summer in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort is up!   June 6: Movie Night with Silas June 15: Silent Reading Party with Lindley July 2: Discussion Group with Lindley July 25: Crafty Hangout August 4: Pacific Northwest In-Person (COVID Cautious) Meetup You can click on the tent graphic below to get access to…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Likeability, fatness, autism and dancing by yourself
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Likeability, fatness, autism and dancing by yourself

Hi friend, When I was more active in the Health at Every Size® community, and constantly speaking up for fat people and fat patients in healthcare provider groups, people would often message me privately and tell me how grateful they were that I was fighting for them. The private support was nice, but years of…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Fat masculinity and questions of the day
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Fat masculinity and questions of the day

Hi friend, There are a couple of updates to the Blanket Fort this week that I’m really excited about! Our Fort member Sage (he/him) has started a really cool channel called Fat Masculinity. Here’s Sage’s introduction to the channel: Hello friends! I asked if we could have a channel for conversations about how fatphobia interacts…

{The Body Liberation Guide} The fat bone’s connected to the race bone
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{The Body Liberation Guide} The fat bone’s connected to the race bone

Hi friend, I’ll be giving an art tour at the Seattle Erotic Art Festival this Friday, April 26 at 8:30 pm! Come hang out with me for an hour for: Aspirational Erotic: Body Size, Shame and Aesthetics Join photographer and body liberation activist Lindley Ashline to explore the origins and history of body image and weight stigma, and which…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Gender euphoria and fatness
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Gender euphoria and fatness

Hi friend, How do you like the new look for the newsletter? I attended an email design webinar right before I traveled earlier this month, and it got me all excited about design again. Also, you have till Wednesday to enter the drawing for the Pan Eros Film Festival tickets! As someone deeply committed to…

{The Body Liberation Guide} Take a load off
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{The Body Liberation Guide} Take a load off

Hi friend, Today I’m thinking about the expression “take a load off.” It’s generally used to mean taking the metaphorical weight, the load, of daily burdens and cares off your shoulders and relax. Not all burdens can be set aside like that, though. The cognitive load of existing as a fat person is one of…

Marginalization and the cost of things
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Marginalization and the cost of things

I’ve been thinking so much about the cost of things lately, and how they interact with cost of living and marginalization and capitalism and labor and psychology. Last week, I had the privilege of a behind-the-scenes chat with the organizer of Seattle Fat Con (affiliate link), an event happening in January here in town.  I’d…

A dark blue background with this text faintly overlaid: "having privileges is not your fault - it does not make you a bad person - it is your responsibility to extend those privileges to everyone who lacks them." Layered on this is the first line of this post plus Lindley's logo.

Thin privilege is the ability to forget that fat people exist.

Despite there being more fat people in the United States than thin people, thin folks like to act like — and occasionally seem to believe that — we simply don’t exist. Living in a thin body is to exist in a bubble where everyone with a body unlike yours is invisible. Thin people won’t produce…

A dark blue background with this text faintly overlaid: "having privileges is not your fault - it does not make you a bad person - it is your responsibility to extend those privileges to everyone who lacks them." Layered on this is the title of the post plus Lindley's logo
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100+ Examples of Thin Privilege

“Privilege is a set of unearned benefits given to people who fit into a specific social group. Thin privilege is backed and promoted by a multi-billion dollar diet/wellness industry.” » Cori Rosenthal The longest-running series over on the Body Liberation Photos Instagram and Facebook pages is my thin privilege series. A common objection to the…

A magenta background with the words, Next time a fat person talks about weight stigma and your gut reaction is, "Well I'm fat and that's not a problem for me/I've never seen that," consider that you might not actually be particularly fat.
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The experiences of larger fat people are very, very different from those of smaller fat people and average-sized people.

The experiences of larger fat people are very, very different from those of smaller fat people and average-sized people. If you’ve never experienced, seen or heard of a particular type of weight stigma or an experience a fat person is describing, there’s a good chance you’re simply not fat enough to be treated that way….

What fat liberation means to me: It’s not just about “all bodies”
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What fat liberation means to me: It’s not just about “all bodies”

This piece originally appeared over at the NAAFA blog. Loving, admiring, and respecting fat bodies can be really hard for people to grasp. We as a culture have been trained by: Centuries of sexism and racism that women are sexual objects 75 years of diet culture that thin is beautiful and sexy And decades of…

Size contrition, part 3: Fuck flattering
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Size contrition, part 3: Fuck flattering

As we consider the concept of size contrition, let’s look at the “fuck flattering” trend that’s been sweeping the body positivity movement. On its face, “fuck flattering” is a rejection of size contrition and the forbearance it can generate. There’s a great article by Alysse D’alessandro at The Body is Not An Apology that talks…

A fat woman's body shown from the armpits to stomach, with pale skin and stretch marks. She is wearing a black bra and panties, and her image appears "torn" by the layout of the graphic. Overlaid is the title of the blog post.
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Size contrition: the performance of a lifetime

Today I’m thinking about a concept I’m calling size contrition. Size contrition is what we fat folks perform in order to win small amounts of forbearance from thin people. In essence, it allows us to temporarily access aspects of thin privilege in return for our public recognition of and apology for our fatness. For instance,…

A fat woman of Hawaiian and Tongan heritage is shown from the bust up, looking away from the camera with a pensive expression. She's wearing a black v-neck top and has traditional-style tattoos on her chest.

Education, Obgobbing, HAES and the Right to Engage

I started my corporate career as a technical editor.  I worked with rocket scientists at the Missile Defense Agency; retired firefighters, police and EMS at the Federal Emergency Management Agency; and software engineers and architects at a variety of companies. Every one of them was convinced that their particular set of obfuscatory* jargon was absolutely…

A close-up of a fat woman's side and belly rolls in black and white, with a bit of a bra and arm showing.
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Health at Every Size®, Stories and Silence

It’s been an interesting week or so since Mikey Mercedes and I went public. In the time since, there’s been a lot of excellent discussion in marginalized communities.  In the Health at Every Size®-aligned healthcare provider groups to which I have access or connections, there’s been a silence that echoes almost as loudly as the…

A teal square with a four-leaf-clover background and the first sentence of this post. Lindley's logo is at the bottom.
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{activism} Being fat is having your very existence considered to be dangerous.

Being fat is having your very existence considered to be dangerous. Any sort of visibility whatsoever — from walking down the street to posting a selfie online — is considered dangerous because we might encourage others to look like us. (See: “glorifying o*”) Our bodies are considered, against all actual evidence, to be inherently diseased,…