This? Is not that. | The Body Liberation Guide
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This? Is not that. | The Body Liberation Guide

Here’s one simple action you can take to help end discrimination against fat bodies this week: Stop appropriating the experiences and oppression of people who are fatter than you.  If you live in a body that is of average size (the average American woman wears a size 14-18) or a bit larger (what some folks…

On sticking your neck out. | The Body Liberation Guide
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On sticking your neck out. | The Body Liberation Guide

Here’s one simple action you can take to help end discrimination against fat bodies this week: Stick your neck out. Quite often these days, thin (usually white) folks feel the need to message me and tell me about how they were going to speak up about this harmful action or that piece of fragility, but…

Why aren’t we just celebrating?  | The Body Liberation Guide
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Why aren’t we just celebrating? | The Body Liberation Guide

It’s a privilege to focus on the gains of body positivity when fat people are still left out. One of the most common pieces of pushback I see against fat acceptance and the need to represent fat and very fat people is, “Why are you so negative? Can’t we all just celebrate all the progress…

Let me tell you what I would do | The Body Liberation Guide
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Let me tell you what I would do | The Body Liberation Guide

Often when I post about the way I as a very fat person am treated, I’ll get responses along the lines of, well, you just have to be confident and stand up for yourself and people won’t treat you like that. Or, here’s what I would do in that situation (insert behavior that’s very aggressive,…

You weren’t born with this | The Body Liberation Guide
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You weren’t born with this | The Body Liberation Guide

If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know I talk a lot about anti-fatness, but I’m including a content warning today specifically for what I’m going to link to for its extremity. I had planned to send this letter to you today anyway, but coming across this video from a thin…

BMI is Bullshit: The Art of Dani Ward at Fat Girl Media
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BMI is Bullshit: The Art of Dani Ward at Fat Girl Media

I’ve just met (virtually — we live across the U.S. from each other) Dani of Fat Girl Media, and they’re super cool! I’ve been admiring their artwork for years and it was an honor to get to talk to them. Here are a few of their designs, shared with permission. One of the things we…

Fat liberation: It’s not just about “all bodies” | The Body Liberation Guide
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Fat liberation: It’s not just about “all bodies” | The Body Liberation Guide

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Mine was spent mostly resting my hand and recovering from this tendon injury. I’m about 50% better – not well enough to book photo sessions yet, but quite a bit better than I was, which means there are a lot fewer cusswords drifting through the house as…

From my lips to your ears | The Body Liberation Guide
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From my lips to your ears | The Body Liberation Guide

This is my last letter for 2022; you’ll next hear from me on January 9. Tonight I’m headed to a Zoom cookie-baking event with friends, and have a nice quiet holiday planned otherwise. I hope that the rest of this month is filled with joy for you. As the Twitter chaos continues, more and more…

Exploitation cannot birth liberation. | The Body Liberation Guide
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Exploitation cannot birth liberation. | The Body Liberation Guide

I want to follow up on my previous Body Liberation Guide about AI-generated artwork. People who are into AI art are telling me that this is a chance for fat people to see themselves represented and change their body image. But there’s a problem: exploitation will not create liberation.

Body-positive business practices, part 5 | The Body Liberation Guide
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Body-positive business practices, part 5 | The Body Liberation Guide

Though I ended up catching the stomach flu* and having to rest and isolate for the last part of the retreat, our attendees had a fabulous time and it was such a satisfying experience. There really is no substitute for in-person fat community. (*confirmed by PCR testing that it wasn’t COVID)  Also, I’ve been featured in a…

Part 4 of body positive business practices | The Body Liberation Guide
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Part 4 of body positive business practices | The Body Liberation Guide

Since I first wrote “The word on the scale” and shared it with my Patreon supporters (and later in the Body Liberation Guide), Taylor Swift has updated her video to remove the couple of seconds showing the word on the scale (without public comment). Here’s an update, plus part 4 of our series on body-positive business…

Lizzo and the flute + why feedback is a gift | The Body Liberation Guide
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Lizzo and the flute + why feedback is a gift | The Body Liberation Guide

Getting called out sucks. Complaints suck. Trust me, I’ve been there. But it’s essential to listen to and absorb feedback if you want to improve in how you treat other people, especially people with less privilege than you. Also in this edition: Lizzo and the flute Terms to know Nutrition and anti-fatness Upcoming events October free…

About body privileges | The Body Liberation Guide
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About body privileges | The Body Liberation Guide

I’m white. I have hair that falls into gentle waves with little to no styling. I’m very fat, but the way I carry my weight makes me look smaller than I am. My skin is mostly clear. I had braces as a teen, so my teeth are mostly straight. I can fit into the top…

Do you need to be an expert to be inclusive? | The Body Liberation Guide
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Do you need to be an expert to be inclusive? | The Body Liberation Guide

If you’ve been on the internet for a hot minute, you’ve probably heard of body positivity. The movement has some high-profile promoters — and a valuable outlook on the worth and beauty of all bodies. What does body positivity have to do with your business? Everything. By incorporating its principles into your business, you can…

Your fat activism guide to The Whale | The Body Liberation Guide
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Your fat activism guide to The Whale | The Body Liberation Guide

Hi friend, The big news in the fat-related world this week is Brendan Fraser’s hideously fatphobic new movie called The Whale. Since there’s been so much commentary, rather than including it in The Conversation section, I’ve given it its own list down in the Quick Resources.

14+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Chronic Illness
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14+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Chronic Illness

Some days, caring for our fat bodies looks exactly like caring for any human body. On other days, we may need a little extra something to carry on. When it comes to chronic health conditions, though, caring for a fat body can be very different. Why? Because fat bodies are subject to weight stigma: discrimination…

A photo of a teal blue birdbath full of water behind a yellow bar with the title of this blog post, which is a list of articles and resources for fat, larger-bodied and plus-size people for abortions in the United States.
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Post-Roe Roundup: Abortion Access Resources for Plus-Size and Fat People

I had a nightmare last night that I needed an abortion and couldn’t find the clinic. Lots of people are living that nightmare today. I made a post of all the resources I’ve been sharing on Twitter and in my newsletter. Many of them are for everyone, though some are specifically for plus-size and fat…

A photo of silhouetted people against an orange and blue sunset on a hillside. A fat person with one arm thrust into the air is in the center. Text overlaid on top reads, Health at Every Size® Resource Library from Body Liberation Photos.
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Now available to Patreon supporters: Health at Every Size® Library

New benefit for supporters! The Body Liberation Photos Health at Every Size® library contains 2,000+ articles, pieces of research and resources for fat activists, HAES healthcare providers and fat allies. This library is just one of the many benefits of supporting Body Liberation Photos, from stock photo credits to exclusive resources to free workbooks.  Supporters also…

Body Liberation Photos COVID Policy | Seattle fat-positive boudoir, photography and small business photo sessions

Body Liberation Photos COVID Policy | Seattle fat-positive boudoir, photography and small business photo sessions

Our mutual safety is my top priority. There is no penalty or fee for rescheduling due to not feeling well or a positive COVID test result at any time right up till your session. Please reschedule if you are not feeling well, have been exposed to COVID or have any positive results or other contagious…

16 ways to carry Health at Every Size forward
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16 ways to carry Health at Every Size forward

One of the transgressions of which Mikey Mercedes, ASDAH leadership and I have been accused is of “capitalizing” on the events of the last month for publicity and profit.  (Those events, in case you’re coming to this late, can be found here.) Not only should Mikey and I, as professionals and experts, have the opportunities…

7 Health at Every Size Resources for Sleep Apnea

7 Health at Every Size Resources for Sleep Apnea

One in 15 Americans has sleep apnea, but we don’t talk about it. It’s practically a taboo subject, possibly because apnea is correlated with fatness (though there’s no proven causation). One of the consequences of us not talking about it is that 80% of people with sleep apnea are undiagnosed. That’s a lot of people whose health and lives are in danger…