Diverse Massage Therapy Stock Photos with Century Massage | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Seattle, WA

Diverse Massage Therapy Stock Photos with Century Massage | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Seattle, WA

Lyn at Century Massage and I partnered to produce a collection of stock photos focused on massage by and for people of color. It was a privilege to help represent women and men of color while also working with a massage therapist who’s helped me and my body personally. Century Massage is located in Renton,…

The Body Positive Maven: An Interview with Lindley Ashline
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The Body Positive Maven: An Interview with Lindley Ashline

Over at Releasing the Phoenix, I’m talking with Ashley Nestler about photography as a liberating force, the Body Love Box’s origins, PCOS and stigma, and how to increase your self-confidence.

In the Media: Lindley on Eat the Rules (with Transcript)
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In the Media: Lindley on Eat the Rules (with Transcript)

Eat the Rules (formerly Fearless Rebelle Radio) was at the top of my podcast speaking wishlist for years, and it was such an amazing opportunity to appear in episode 168 with Summer Innanen! In this episode, we chat about: My story of growing up without television and pop culture and how this shaped my body…

LISTEN: Lindley on the Fat Girl Finds Love Podcast (with Transcript)
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LISTEN: Lindley on the Fat Girl Finds Love Podcast (with Transcript)

On the Fat Girl Finds Love Podcast, I’m talking with Briana Cavanaugh about fategories, luck and privilege in relationships, finding a doctor you trust, and scars in photography. Give it a listen to learn more about my story as we celebrate the unique beauty of bodies that fall outside conventional “beauty” standards. Today we talked…

Ask a Body-Positive Creator: Illustrator and Artist Anni Winder

Ask a Body-Positive Creator: Illustrator and Artist Anni Winder

Anni Jyn is here to create art that might make you feel good about yourself, be kind to others or hopefully make you do a little laugh if the situation calls for it! Tell me about you! What’s your name? What pronouns do you use? Where do you live? What do you like to eat…

It’s time for a reality check on looks.

It’s time for a reality check on looks.

It’s time for a reality check on looks. Think back to the last TV, magazine or online ad you saw that contained an image of a woman. Odds are she was young, very thin, white, stylish, and either happy or appealingly pouty. She probably had perfect skin and brows, no body hair or wrinkles whatsoever,…

The mysterious case of the plus-size clothing consumer.
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The mysterious case of the plus-size clothing consumer.

I was standing in the aisle between cubicles when I turned my back, gritted my teeth and said, rather shortly, “No, really, you can check the tag on my pants if you don’t believe me.” I’d made a casual comment about not being able to find black slacks that I liked, and a well-meaning but…

Scripts for Allies: Please Clothe My Fat Friend!
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Scripts for Allies: Please Clothe My Fat Friend!

As we explore the concept of thin privilege and how it affects everyday life over on Instagram, one of the most common questions I receive is, “What am I supposed to do about it?” None of us are singlehandedly responsible for changing entire cultures and systems of oppression, but each of us can take small…

Author & Coach Thekla Richter | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Seattle, WA

Author & Coach Thekla Richter | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Seattle, WA

Thekla Richter’s small business branding photography session was so much fun! The weather cooperated perfectly, which is rare for Seattle in November: a beautiful sunny day with air crisp enough to keep us from getting sweaty. Thekla (pronounced Tech-luh — I was dying to know, too) writes middle-grade fantasy books (ask her about the space…

Ask a Fat Creator: Body-Positive Bath & Beauty Whiz Gloria Procella
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Ask a Fat Creator: Body-Positive Bath & Beauty Whiz Gloria Procella

Hi, I’m Gloria, or Glow! I’m one of the creators of Cranky Shop (formerly, Cranky Crafty Cat Ladies). I’m the chief soapmaker and bath bomb wizard, and I’m generally the public face of our operation. I live southeast of Seattle with my husband, tweenager, and lots of pets. When I’m not dreaming up new sudsy…

Building a Body-Positive Business: Dealing with Diet Talk
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Building a Body-Positive Business: Dealing with Diet Talk

It can feel very isolating to be in a space — especially a space that claims to be body positive! — and hear all about how someone in a body much, much smaller than yours “feels fat” or “needs to lose weight.” That’s just one example of diet talk, which is so woven into our…

Intimate Indoor Portrait Session with Ms. M: Body-Positive Portrait & Boudoir Photography in Seattle, WA

Intimate Indoor Portrait Session with Ms. M: Body-Positive Portrait & Boudoir Photography in Seattle, WA

Content note: Contains artistic nudity I’ve started calling this kind of session a series of intimate portraits: not necessarily the intentional sexiness of boudoir, more vulnerable than a regular portrait session. An exploration of the body in a relaxed setting, guided but free to move in ways that feel good. This is such a good…

An acupuncture student practices taking the Chinese pulse of another woman. Both women seated at the large wooden table are Caucasian; both the student and volunteer are in their 30s. The low-key lighting and their comfortable positions indicate a casual environment. Lighting: low key, neutral colors, natural light, artificial light Environment: indoors, coffee shop, coffeehouse, cloudy, day, daytime, autumn, October, fall Themes: Chinese medicine, acupuncture, alternative medicine, holistic medicine, graduate students, practice, pulse diagnosis, experiments, cooperation, two women, plus size women Ethnicities, genders and abilities of note: Caucasian, female, woman, 30s, 40s Location: Washington State, Pacific Northwest, United States
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Good fatties in a pandemic

Hi friend, I’ll be honest. I’m grieving. For everyone ill with the coronavirus. For fat folks sick with fear over the weight stigma they know they’ll encounter if and when they catch it. For those who’ve lost their jobs and businesses. And for my beloved cat Tansy, who passed away a few days ago. I’m…

Wildest Dreams Session with Ms. D in West Seattle and Olympic National Park | Body-Positive Portrait Photography in Seattle, WA

Wildest Dreams Session with Ms. D in West Seattle and Olympic National Park | Body-Positive Portrait Photography in Seattle, WA

Recently, I talked a little bit about the risks of movement in a larger body. In Ms. H’s hula dance portraits, you can see that the reward for her taking that risk is a beautiful, skilled, graceful performance. Through her Instagram, Danielle Bex (@danielle.bex) also demonstrates daily how joyful movement can be. She often posts…

Wave to me next time you’re on the field, okay?
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Wave to me next time you’re on the field, okay?

I am probably the last person who should be making sports analogies, because I’m also probably the least sporty person on earth. I was pretty good at dodgeball as a kid, and I’m not terrible at Dance Dance Revolution, but as far as team sports? “Lulz,” as the cool kids are saying these days. But…

OHME Fat-Positive Jewelry | Small Business Product Photography in Seattle, W

OHME Fat-Positive Jewelry | Small Business Product Photography in Seattle, W

It was such a delight to work with Mia Stephenson of OHME shop for a recent small business branding session! I first encountered Mia’s at Curves in Bloom back in February, and I β€” and everyone else at the event β€” fell in love with the clean lines of her feminist, fat-positive jewelry. Mia, makeup…

Intimate Fat-Positive Portraits with Ms. R | Body-Positive Boudoir Photographer in Seattle, WA

Intimate Fat-Positive Portraits with Ms. R | Body-Positive Boudoir Photographer in Seattle, WA

Content note: Contains artistic nudity Major life changes can cause us to lose sight of who we are: our own needs and priorities, our values and goals, even our sense of self or self-worth. When you feel at sea, it can be hard to know what makes you, you. Ms. R was in the midst…

A fat woman with pale skin sits on a chair in a dark room, body facing forward and face turned to the right. She is wearing a black bikini with a floral design.
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I don’t know how to make you care about fat people.

I didn’t want to write this today. My emotional strategy in this time of pandemic has consisted of three parts: Stay informed of every news update, stay home as much as possible, and distract myself. I’m reviving my love of jigsaw puzzles. I’m texting my relatives, who live far away from me. I’m re-reading the…

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The Fat Lady Sings: Lindley sings Quanta Qualia by Patrick Hawes

Lindley Ashline and Ann Duweke singing Patrick Hawes’ “Quanta Qualia” at the Hope for Japan Concert, November 19, 2011. I fell in love with Hayley Westenra’s rendition of this piece, and from there discovered all of Hawes’ mesmerizing music. It was such a joy to be able to perform Quantia Qualia. This isn’t a recent…

LISTEN: Lindley on the Escape Diet Prison Podcast (with Transcript)
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LISTEN: Lindley on the Escape Diet Prison Podcast (with Transcript)

When I started my photography business in 2015, I had never seen or met another fat photographer. I wasn’t sure if it was even possible. (Because what we see around us tells us what is possible for people like us.) Now, of course, I know many fat photographers, both because I’ve deliberately sought out other…

Camp Heal Highlights 3: Eating Disorder Recovery Event Photography in Los Angeles, CA

Camp Heal Highlights 3: Eating Disorder Recovery Event Photography in Los Angeles, CA

Some events are just events. Some events are transformative for everyone involved, and Camp Heal was one of the latter. Around a hundred people gathered in Angeles National Forest for three days to explore, laugh, cry, improve their body image, be vulnerable, move forward in recovery from eating disorders, and enjoy a body-safe camp experience….

Ask a Fat Creator: Artist Shelby Bergen
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Ask a Fat Creator: Artist Shelby Bergen

Shelby Bergen is an illustrator and cat enthusiast from the suburbs outside of the Twin Cities. She loves using bright colors, patterns and shapes in her work, and loves making fun character designs. Shelby prides herself in keeping her work diverse, focusing on showcasing different types and sizes of bodies. When Shelby isn’t making art,…

Fat-Positive Portrait Session with Ms. H on Camano Island | Body-Positive Portrait Photography in Seattle, WA

Fat-Positive Portrait Session with Ms. H on Camano Island | Body-Positive Portrait Photography in Seattle, WA

As people who inhabit larger bodies, when we move those bodies, we take risks. We risk being stared at, made fun of or catcalled. Since often, no one has ever taught us to appreciate those bodies and the way they move, we risk trying to move them in ways that are unwise or not a…

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Maybe you just didn’t want to shimmer badly enough.

What would happen if paint became a Big Thing? In fact, what would happen if one specific paint brand became a Big Thing, to the exclusion of all else? What if that paint brand became so popular that you were expected to use it in every room of your house? To the point that visitors…

KT Kusmaul & Body Home Fat Dance | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Portland, OR

KT Kusmaul & Body Home Fat Dance | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Portland, OR

Body Home Fat Dance, created by artist and performer KT Kusmaul, creates performance and offers dance classes centering our fat community. Their goal is to inspire joyful movement, connection with their bodies, and creative expression, while honoring their unique abilities and challenges with self-compassion. They’re co-creating a resilient community, building an empowering and nuanced dialogue…

Mother & Daughter Portraits in Salt Lake City | Body-Positive Photographer in Seattle, WA

Mother & Daughter Portraits in Salt Lake City | Body-Positive Photographer in Seattle, WA

I stopped briefly in Salt Lake City while traveling, and this session shows how much we can accomplish even during a very limited session. Forty-five minutes, one hotel room, and two generations of one family willing to be vulnerable and explore the stories of their bodies. Most photographers would have done things like “brought out…

“Hold still. You deserve this.”
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“Hold still. You deserve this.”

Hi friend, what’s it like to go to the grocery store while thin? Let me tell you what it was like to go to the grocery store this week while fat. It’s having people glance your way and then look away quickly, as if having glimpsed something obscene or disgusting. It’s having a woman in…

The Fat Lady Sings: Lindley sings Bachianas Brasileiras no. 5
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The Fat Lady Sings: Lindley sings Bachianas Brasileiras no. 5

This lovely piece is one of a set of fusions of Baroque and Brazilian music by the Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos. (Thanks, Wikipedia) This isn’t a recent video, but I’m re-sharing it as a way of releasing old body shame. When this video was taken, I was bothered by the way my fat body moved…

March Body Liberation Book Club Pick: Fat, Pretty & Soon to Be Old
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March Body Liberation Book Club Pick: Fat, Pretty & Soon to Be Old

March’s pick for the Body Liberation Book Club is Fat, Pretty and Soon to be Old by Kimberly Dark! Join us on Thursday, March 26 at 7 pm for a fat-friendly hangout and book discussion. Newcomers are very welcome! Purchasing the book from this affiliate link helps me continue to offer free resources: https://amzn.to/2TDyJoQ About…

Camp Heal Highlights 2: Eating Disorder Recovery Event Photography in Los Angeles, CA

Camp Heal Highlights 2: Eating Disorder Recovery Event Photography in Los Angeles, CA

Some events are just events. Some events are transformative for everyone involved, and Camp Heal was one of the latter. Around a hundred people gathered in Angeles National Forest for three days to explore, laugh, cry, improve their body image, be vulnerable, move forward in recovery from eating disorders, and enjoy a body-safe camp experience….

Ask a Fat Creator: Artist and Activist Kathryn Max
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Ask a Fat Creator: Artist and Activist Kathryn Max

2021 update: Kathryn says of herself, β€œShe’s queer now and getting a divorce! Thanks Fat liberation!!!!” Kathryn Max is a Body Liberation Artist and Activist living in Oakland CA. She credits making fat art with helping her cultivate a kind and compassionate relationship with her own body. Kathryn is currently working on her memoir β€œFat…

95+ Fat-Positive and HAES-Aligned Support Groups, Courses & Workshops Online and Around the World
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95+ Fat-Positive and HAES-Aligned Support Groups, Courses & Workshops Online and Around the World

Everywhere we go, we’re surrounded by diet culture, the cultural forces that cause us to feel bad about our bodies and want to shrink them into acceptability. Diet culture causes poor body image, encourages eating disorders and makes $71 billion in profit for the diet industry every year. More and more often, people are pushing…

River Portrait Session with Ms. E | Fat-Positive Photography in Seattle, WA

River Portrait Session with Ms. E | Fat-Positive Photography in Seattle, WA

In this peaceful outdoor body-positive portrait session, Ms. E and I spent some exploring what it means to reclaim the right for our bodies to move in and enjoy public spaces. I’ve found that one of the best ways to support people in this is to give them lots of things to do where their…

You are freaking allowed.
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You are freaking allowed.

For those of us in larger bodies, it can feel like we’re hemmed in all around with barriers and gates and forms to be submitted in triplicate just to live our lives. To live in bodies this scrutizined and regulated and constantly criticized is to feel that we need permission to eat, to breathe, to…

Bevin of Fat Kid Dance Party & Queer Fat Femme | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Seattle, WA

Bevin of Fat Kid Dance Party & Queer Fat Femme | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Seattle, WA

Bevin is a study in contrasts. Bevin is best known for her work as the mind behind Fat Kid Dance Party, the nationwide (and now online) body-positive dance and fitness classes for all ability levels. For this session, though, she chose to explore the softer side of her nature. In addition to her work with…

Intimate Fat-Positive Portraits with Ms. A in Las Vegas | Body-Positive Photographer in Seattle, WA

Intimate Fat-Positive Portraits with Ms. A in Las Vegas | Body-Positive Photographer in Seattle, WA

I met Ms. A in a hot tub in Vegas. No, seriously. Those of you who know me know that Vegas isn’t my scene and are probably doubting this story already, but I swear it’s true. At the last @naafaofficial conference there was a delightful pool party after hours, and Ms. A and I met…

The cruelty is the point.
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The cruelty is the point.

Cruelty is an inherent part of diet culture. Diet culture gives us a dichotomy: bodies are either good (thin) or bad (fat). In this framework, a “good” body is something that can and should always be the ultimate goal. Not only is a good body the only healthy, morally upright and worthy kind of body,…

The Fat Lady Sings: Lindley sings Handel’s Te cum principium
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The Fat Lady Sings: Lindley sings Handel’s Te cum principium

This is an oratorio piece from the Dixit Dominus, a psalm setting by George Frideric Handel (catalogued as HWV 232). It uses the Latin text of Psalm 110 (Vulgate 109), which begins with the words Dixit Dominus (“The Lord Said”). (Thanks, Wikipedia!) This isn’t a recent video, but I’m re-sharing it as a way of…

February Body Liberation Book Club Pick: The Body Keeps the Score (Second Half)

February Body Liberation Book Club Pick: The Body Keeps the Score (Second Half)

February’s pick for the Body Liberation Book Club is the second half of The Body Keeps the Score by Van der Kolk. Join us on Thursday, February 27 at 7 pm for a fat-friendly hangout and book discussion. Newcomers are very welcome! The location is Unique Cafe, 12319 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125. This…

Gardening with Mx. O | Body-Positive Portrait Photography Sessions in Seattle, WA

Gardening with Mx. O | Body-Positive Portrait Photography Sessions in Seattle, WA

Environmental portraits — where the subject is involved in an activity or an environment they love — are some of my favorite photographs to create. Almost everyone is more relaxed when they’re doing something they enjoy in a place they like to spend time! For Mx. O’s session, we chose a topic together: gardening. I…

Ask a Fat Creator: Author Katy Lees

Ask a Fat Creator: Author Katy Lees

Katy Lees is a writer and psychotherapist from the North East of England. They’ve written for Dirge Magazine, Do Some Damage, and Lockjaw. They’re currently writing a transgender and non-binary self-care guide that will be published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Tell me about you! What’s your name? What pronouns do you use? Where do you…

Camp Heal for Project HEAL: Eating Disorder Recovery Event Photography in Los Angeles, CA

Camp Heal for Project HEAL: Eating Disorder Recovery Event Photography in Los Angeles, CA

Some events are just events. Some events are transformative for everyone involved, and Camp Heal was one of the latter. Around a hundred people gathered in Angeles National Forest for three days to explore, laugh, cry, improve their body image, be vulnerable, move forward in recovery from eating disorders, and enjoy a body-safe camp experience….

Beautiful River Portrait Session in Washington State with Ms. G | Body-Positive Photography in Seattle, WA

Beautiful River Portrait Session in Washington State with Ms. G | Body-Positive Photography in Seattle, WA

It’s generally quite cool year round here in the Seattle area, but in the summer it can get hot enough to make a dip in a nearby river refreshing. Ms. G and I spent her body-positive Confidence portrait session at Flaming Geyser State Park (named for a flame created by coal miners discovering a methane…

Wildest Dreams Session with Ms. D at Red Rock Canyon | Body-Positive Photographer in Seattle, WA

Wildest Dreams Session with Ms. D at Red Rock Canyon | Body-Positive Photographer in Seattle, WA

This plus-size beauty queen and Nevada’s Red Rock Canyon = magic. It was 95 degrees at sunset, but luckily Ms. D is used to the heat and I had plenty of water with me, so we took lots of breaks and it worked out fine. Better than fine, in fact. She’d chosen a sparkling sequin…

Amy Bean and Radiance Healing Arts | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Portland, OR

Amy Bean and Radiance Healing Arts | Small Business Branding & Visuals Photography in Portland, OR

Radiance Healing Arts provides an eclectic blend of intuitive sessions, including various therapeutic massage and manual therapy techniques, Reiki, aromatherapy, spa services and compassionate listening.  These sessions are offered by a licensed massage therapist and physical therapist assistant, Reiki Master and empath, communication trainer and lifelong healer committed to supporting your needs for balance, rest…

You are allowed to cut off contact
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You are allowed to cut off contact

Just in case you need a reminder today: Cutting off contact with toxic people, or setting a no-contact or minimal-contact boundary for yourself, is a perfectly valid thing to do. We have this cultural expectation that if you just find the right words and make your case just right, a toxic relative or friend will…

The Fat Lady Sings: Lindley sings Time to Say Goodbye/Con Te Partiro
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The Fat Lady Sings: Lindley sings Time to Say Goodbye/Con Te Partiro

This is of course the song with a famous rendition by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman. “Con te partirΓ²” was never part of an opera, but was an individual piece written by Francesco Sartori (music) and Lucio Quarantotto (lyrics). It was released first as a solo piece by Bocelli and then as a duet with…