Reframe Friday: Extra curvy | Body image for plus-size people
When the world surrounds us with body shame, we can build a shelter of love for ourselves and our…
When the world surrounds us with body shame, we can build a shelter of love for ourselves and our…
We’re body doubling/co-working at 10 am Pacific Monday over in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort! …
To think and write about this week: Name three things you like about yourself that have nothing t…
A quick sneak peek of Kyra Sutherland’s small business photo session! You can find their work at …
One of the most important issues facing weight management, bariatric, dietetic, endocrinology, special interest groups, and other provider groups and practices today is weight stigma. It’s important to update your resources, handouts, training, certifications and other materials to remove stigmatizing language in order to improve patient compliance and positively impact clients. Here are ten ways…
“When I see women supporting women, it is so inspiring to me. So when I saw somebody wearing some…
Body Liberation Stock is accepting contributors!
Spread some love, make the world a better plac…
Beth Clarke was kind enough to say nice things about all my work! From Beth:
“Lindley has been i…
Last week, I talked about a big negative of the trip I just took. This week, though, I want to share a big positive: Southwest Airlines’ customer of size policy. Southwest is the only American airline that makes an actual effort to be good to fat people. They weren’t always this way; in fact, they used to…
Thin privilege is buying clothes off the rack at a brick-and-mortar store.
This is one of the ar…
We’re body doubling/co-working at 10 am Pacific Monday over in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort! …
Thin privilege is not negated by body dysmorphia, poor body image, or an eating disorder.
We fa…
You are not too much.
You don’t need to make yourself small…
So you can be safe…
So you won’t…
I’ve just returned from my first long trip during the pandemic. I traveled from the U.S. west coast to east coast for my sister’s MBA graduation. We come from a blue-collar background, she’s a single mom who fought every step of the way for this, and I’m so proud of her I’m about to burst. …
An ethereal moment with client T. last summer 🍃
Image: A plus-size white woman with yellow pants…
Thin privilege is the ability to talk about thin privilege.
One time, @thecrankytherapist and I …
Let’s talk about football players and BMI. When the topic of body mass index, or BMI, comes up, one of the first responses is usually someone pointing out that some very obviously muscular and fit people — like football players — are considered obese* by BMI measurements. And thus, the argument goes, BMI is a…
{the daily fat} Fat people deserve community.
👉 More on body liberation:…
New additions to my purse.
Protect queer folks, and especially right now protect trans folks. Th…
With the major and still-growing popularity of crowdfunding subscriptions in supporting creators — from Patreon to Ko-fi to Instagram and Youtube subscriptions — it seems like everyone is offering one. That includes lots of your favorite body-positive, fat-positive, Health at Every Size® and body liberation creators. In fact, there are lots of reasons to financially…
Maybe you remember the advent of (mainstream anyway) period panties from a few years back? For a long time, there were no options to speak of for fat bodies, but no more! With the help of my brilliant assistant Kit, at the link below are nine options to choose from, carrying a range of sizes…
I’ve added a ton of images to the Body Liberation Stock supporters’ library! Use these photos for…
{the daily fat} You deserve to pursue hobbies you love.
💜 More from me on body liberation: link …
Here’s one concrete action you can take to help end weight stigma: Stop saying that weight loss doesn’t solve anything. And I’m going to need you to read alllll the way to the end of this letter before you @ me, because I am not jumping on the diet bandwagon here.
Thin privilege is the ability to buy lingerie.
Though there are lots of lingerie brands out ther…
We’re body doubling/co-working at 10 am Pacific over in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort! We’d lo…
“Remember that your sadness is tangible, organic, important and useful. Sadness is what reminds u…
Happy belated Trans Day of Visibility! Trans, non-binary and exploring folks are precious, valid and welcome. I see you. Also, I’m seeing progress on my hand injury since getting a steroid shot a few weeks ago, woohoo! It’s not 100%, but it’s the closest it’s been since October. That means I’m booking photo sessions again — head to…
It’s the first of the month, and I’ve just sent out this month’s FREE stock photo credits and discounts to supporters! Use them on any image at Body Liberation Stock. Not yet a supporter? Get in on it:
{the daily fat} You deserve joy!
@thebrassydiva at her small business visuals session with me.
Trans, non-binary and exploring folks are precious, valid and welcome. I see you. Happy day of vi…
I’m seeing progress on my hand injury since getting a steroid shot a few weeks ago, woohoo! It’s …
It feels like time to re-introduce myself 🙂
Hi there! I’m Lindley (she/her, pronounced LIN-lee)….
It was a pleasure to appear on the Mindful Miri podcast! In this episode, we discuss issues of race, weight, and systems of oppression. Other themes: » Embracing our true selves » #bodypositivity for larger bodies » How systems are not built for all sizes » weightstigma as an offshoot of #racism Transcript Excerpt “It’s…
Desert days with Danielle S. 🌅
👉 Book a boudoir or portrait session:…
It’s an excerpt week! First, a little hand update: I’m seeing some minor improvements in my De Quervain’s tendonitis after having a steroid shot in the wrist a few weeks ago. I’m still being cautious with booking photography clients, but I have a few people booked starting in mid-April and that should be okay. Hmm….
A fat body is not a sign or a symptom of an eating disorder.
It’s not a sign or a symptom of “ad…
Have you seen any of these messages lately, implied or said outright? Fat people are addicted to food Ob*sity is the opposite of anorexia Fat people will inevitably have health conditions due to their fatness Fat people are fat because they’re sick, not because they’re lazy, WLS, unlike dieting, is the one successful way to…
Woohoo, I have a new reward for everyone at the Supporter level and up!
These events used to al…
Sometimes a stray comment or post on social media will spark something in my mind, and suddenly I have an opinion on it. This time it was a comment on a fat activist’s Instagram post informing the activist that they shouldn’t be using the term “fatphobia” because “people aren’t afraid of fat people, so it’s…
“Privilege is a set of unearned benefits given to people who fit into a specific social group. Th…
Maybe you remember the advent of (mainstream anyway) period panties from a few years back? For a long time, there were no options to speak of for fat bodies, but no more! Here are nine options to choose from, carrying a range of sizes up to a U.S. 48W. In case you’re wondering, period panties…
Sometimes a stray comment or post on social media will spark something in my mind, and suddenly I have an opinion on it. This time it was a comment on a fat activist’s Instagram post informing the activist that they shouldn’t be using the term “fatphobia” because “people aren’t afraid of fat people, so it’s…
When the world surrounds us with body shame, we can build a shelter of love for ourselves and our…
“As long as we live in a culture that tells women that being admired and desired for the way we l…
Thin privilege is the ability to buy underwear at a name-brand retailer and have a reasonable exp…
I’ve passed the 24-hour mark after my steroid shot and can technically use my right hand again, w…
Thin privilege is not having your body used as a shorthand for a long list of negative qualities,…