{the daily fat} You deserve to pursue hobbies you love.
{the daily fat} You deserve to pursue hobbies you love.
💜 More from me on body liberation: link …
{the daily fat} You deserve to pursue hobbies you love.
💜 More from me on body liberation: link …
Here’s one concrete action you can take to help end weight stigma: Stop saying that weight loss doesn’t solve anything. And I’m going to need you to read alllll the way to the end of this letter before you @ me, because I am not jumping on the diet bandwagon here.
Thin privilege is the ability to buy lingerie.
Though there are lots of lingerie brands out ther…
Happy belated Trans Day of Visibility! Trans, non-binary and exploring folks are precious, valid and welcome. I see you. Also, I’m seeing progress on my hand injury since getting a steroid shot a few weeks ago, woohoo! It’s not 100%, but it’s the closest it’s been since October. That means I’m booking photo sessions again — head to…
It was a pleasure to appear on the Mindful Miri podcast! In this episode, we discuss issues of race, weight, and systems of oppression. Other themes: » Embracing our true selves » #bodypositivity for larger bodies » How systems are not built for all sizes » weightstigma as an offshoot of #racism Transcript Excerpt “It’s…
A fat body is not a sign or a symptom of an eating disorder.
It’s not a sign or a symptom of “ad…
Have you seen any of these messages lately, implied or said outright? Fat people are addicted to food Ob*sity is the opposite of anorexia Fat people will inevitably have health conditions due to their fatness Fat people are fat because they’re sick, not because they’re lazy, WLS, unlike dieting, is the one successful way to…
Sometimes a stray comment or post on social media will spark something in my mind, and suddenly I have an opinion on it. This time it was a comment on a fat activist’s Instagram post informing the activist that they shouldn’t be using the term “fatphobia” because “people aren’t afraid of fat people, so it’s…
“Privilege is a set of unearned benefits given to people who fit into a specific social group. Th…
Maybe you remember the advent of (mainstream anyway) period panties from a few years back? For a long time, there were no options to speak of for fat bodies, but no more! Here are nine options to choose from, carrying a range of sizes up to a U.S. 48W. In case you’re wondering, period panties…
Sometimes a stray comment or post on social media will spark something in my mind, and suddenly I have an opinion on it. This time it was a comment on a fat activist’s Instagram post informing the activist that they shouldn’t be using the term “fatphobia” because “people aren’t afraid of fat people, so it’s…
When the world surrounds us with body shame, we can build a shelter of love for ourselves and our…
“As long as we live in a culture that tells women that being admired and desired for the way we l…
Thin privilege is not having your body used as a shorthand for a long list of negative qualities,…
This week on Patreon, I’m launching the Body Liberation Guide+, a patron-only supplement to the free public Body Liberation Guide newsletter (this email!) I send out every week. Here’s what you can expect in the BLG+: More of The Conversation and event updates Handy links to this week’s supporter-only updates Journal prompts and discussion topics from the Body Liberation…
If you’ve been a subscriber for a bit, you know I produced an entire guide to that awful fatphobic movie The Whale. I’m not a pop culture kind of person and I don’t watch movies (due to my neurodivergence making it difficult), so I’d be perfectly happy never to think about that movie again. But with awards season…
Here’s one simple action you can take to help end discrimination against fat bodies this week: Stop appropriating the experiences and oppression of people who are fatter than you. If you live in a body that is of average size (the average American woman wears a size 14-18) or a bit larger (what some folks…
Something I think we need to be very cautious about as we fight fatphobia and weight stigma is that it’s very easy for us to deplore those things primarily when they happen to people in bodies we find worthy.
What does body positivity have to do with a photography business? Everything.
The way your photo…
Through a 20-book mystery series, this author — one of my favorites, whose books I re-read regul…
Here’s one simple action you can take to help end discrimination against fat bodies this week: Stick your neck out. Quite often these days, thin (usually white) folks feel the need to message me and tell me about how they were going to speak up about this harmful action or that piece of fragility, but…
Thin privilege is a seat at a concert. I really enjoy live music and shows — both the energy of it and the ability to support performing arts — but it’s so rare these days that I’m willing to put up with being in physical pain for hours to see a performance. Lindsey Stirling was…
“Fat people who love themselves scare the shit out of people who don’t love themselves. Even fat people trying to love themselves scare the shit out of people who can’t do the same. We force people to have to look at why they hate their bodies because we are “supposed” to hate ours and we…
It’s a privilege to focus on the gains of body positivity when fat people are still left out. One of the most common pieces of pushback I see against fat acceptance and the need to represent fat and very fat people is, “Why are you so negative? Can’t we all just celebrate all the progress…
Often when I post about the way I as a very fat person am treated, I’ll get responses along the lines of, well, you just have to be confident and stand up for yourself and people won’t treat you like that. Or, here’s what I would do in that situation (insert behavior that’s very aggressive,…
If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know I talk a lot about anti-fatness, but I’m including a content warning today specifically for what I’m going to link to for its extremity. I had planned to send this letter to you today anyway, but coming across this video from a thin…
The experiences of larger fat people are very, very different from those of smaller fat people and average-sized people. If you’ve never experienced, seen or heard of a particular type of weight stigma or an experience a fat person is describing, there’s a good chance you’re simply not fat enough to be treated that way….
I’ve just met (virtually — we live across the U.S. from each other) Dani of Fat Girl Media, and they’re super cool! I’ve been admiring their artwork for years and it was an honor to get to talk to them. Here are a few of their designs, shared with permission. One of the things we…
This piece originally appeared over at the NAAFA blog. Loving, admiring, and respecting fat bodies can be really hard for people to grasp. We as a culture have been trained by: Centuries of sexism and racism that women are sexual objects 75 years of diet culture that thin is beautiful and sexy And decades of…
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Mine was spent mostly resting my hand and recovering from this tendon injury. I’m about 50% better – not well enough to book photo sessions yet, but quite a bit better than I was, which means there are a lot fewer cusswords drifting through the house as…
This is my last letter for 2022; you’ll next hear from me on January 9. Tonight I’m headed to a Zoom cookie-baking event with friends, and have a nice quiet holiday planned otherwise. I hope that the rest of this month is filled with joy for you. As the Twitter chaos continues, more and more…
I want to follow up on my earlier piece about AI-generated artwork. People who are into AI art are telling me that this is a chance for fat people to see themselves represented and change their body image. But there’s a problem: exploitation will not create liberation. Here’s just one of the images that was…
I want to follow up on my previous Body Liberation Guide about AI-generated artwork. People who are into AI art are telling me that this is a chance for fat people to see themselves represented and change their body image. But there’s a problem: exploitation will not create liberation.
The robots are coming for art. You might not have seen any art created by artificial intelligence yet, but it won’t be long. We’re at the very beginning of a trend that will change art as we know it.
An overview of what AI art is, where it’s going and what effects it might have on businesses, artists and body liberation.
Though I ended up catching the stomach flu* and having to rest and isolate for the last part of the retreat, our attendees had a fabulous time and it was such a satisfying experience. There really is no substitute for in-person fat community. (*confirmed by PCR testing that it wasn’t COVID) Also, I’ve been featured in a…
Since I first wrote “The word on the scale” and shared it with my Patreon supporters (and later in the Body Liberation Guide), Taylor Swift has updated her video to remove the couple of seconds showing the word on the scale (without public comment). Here’s an update, plus part 4 of our series on body-positive business…
This post was published first for my Patreon supporters a week ago. Want to support my work and get first access to articles like this? Sign up today. Since I first wrote this, Taylor Swift has updated her video to remove the couple of seconds showing the word on the scale (without public comment). Ten…
This is a series of posts on thin privilege and how it affects all of us in daily life. I talk in depth about topics like these every week in my free Body Liberation Guide. The next one goes out Monday.
From @alissarumsey: Building inclusive and fat-friendly businesses: why is so important (for us, for our business, and for the collective) and some things to think about when it comes to being inclusive in your digital/online space. Loved this convo with @bodyliberationwithlindley, who shared so much of her wisdom along with some practical tips. Lindley will be…
Getting called out sucks. Complaints suck. Trust me, I’ve been there. But it’s essential to listen to and absorb feedback if you want to improve in how you treat other people, especially people with less privilege than you. Also in this edition: Lizzo and the flute Terms to know Nutrition and anti-fatness Upcoming events October free…
I’m white. I have hair that falls into gentle waves with little to no styling. I’m very fat, but the way I carry my weight makes me look smaller than I am. My skin is mostly clear. I had braces as a teen, so my teeth are mostly straight. I can fit into the top…
If you’ve been on the internet for a hot minute, you’ve probably heard of body positivity. The movement has some high-profile promoters — and a valuable outlook on the worth and beauty of all bodies. What does body positivity have to do with your business? Everything. By incorporating its principles into your business, you can…
Hi friend, The big news in the fat-related world this week is Brendan Fraser’s hideously fatphobic new movie called The Whale. Since there’s been so much commentary, rather than including it in The Conversation section, I’ve given it its own list down in the Quick Resources.
As we consider the concept of size contrition, let’s look at the “fuck flattering” trend that’s been sweeping the body positivity movement. On its face, “fuck flattering” is a rejection of size contrition and the forbearance it can generate. There’s a great article by Alysse D’alessandro at The Body is Not An Apology that talks…
Nature gave me wings. Who are you to bid me hide them? The woman in this photograph has glorious wings on her arms that she lifts towards the ceiling, looking out a window into a large covered open space, in this black-and-white-photograph. She is fat, has long hair pinned into a bun and is wearing…
As I was talking with my superfat friend Brandy (for whom I’m so grateful — not only is she a lovely person, but we have fantastic fat-related discussions) about size contrition, she noted that it was strange that her co-workers often compliment her sense of style even though she wears loudly-patterned dresses. “Huh,” I said….
Today I’m thinking about a concept I’m calling size contrition. Size contrition is what we fat folks perform in order to win small amounts of forbearance from thin people. In essence, it allows us to temporarily access aspects of thin privilege in return for our public recognition of and apology for our fatness. For instance,…
My humanity gives me inherent worth. My body is worthy because it’s mine. My body deserves love, attention, and care no matter what. My body is worthy no matter its health status. My body is worthy no matter its age. My body can “pull off” anything I want to put on it. My body and…
“They don’t know any better.” When I talk about weight stigma/weight bias and fatphobia in healthcare, that’s often the excuse that people make to me on behalf of healthcare providers. “That’s how they were taught.” In 2022, that excuse just isn’t good enough any more. Not only do we have a half-century of evidence that…