A background of autumn leaves with the name of the Exhale Pacific Northwest body positive and fat positive retreat and Laura and Lindley's illustrated profile images.
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Fat friend, you deserve connection, rest, and ease.

We know how heavy and exhausting existing in this world can be. We all carry the weight of holding boundaries, managing others’ entitlement, navigating systems of oppression, and all the other burdens fat folks are made to hold on a daily basis. We are tired! In a culture that has commodified self-care down to bubble…

14+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Chronic Illness
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14+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Chronic Illness

Some days, caring for our fat bodies looks exactly like caring for any human body. On other days, we may need a little extra something to carry on. When it comes to chronic health conditions, though, caring for a fat body can be very different. Why? Because fat bodies are subject to weight stigma: discrimination…

A photo of a teal blue birdbath full of water behind a yellow bar with the title of this blog post, which is a list of articles and resources for fat, larger-bodied and plus-size people for abortions in the United States.
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Post-Roe Roundup: Abortion Access Resources for Plus-Size and Fat People

I had a nightmare last night that I needed an abortion and couldn’t find the clinic. Lots of people are living that nightmare today. I made a post of all the resources I’ve been sharing on Twitter and in my newsletter. Many of them are for everyone, though some are specifically for plus-size and fat…

What I’ve been up to lately | Seattle boudoir and portrait photography
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What I’ve been up to lately | Seattle boudoir and portrait photography

What I’ve been up to lately, in no particular order: » My new Maya Kern and SergleShop skirt came in! » Twirling in this skirt. It has huge pockets and it’s comfy and I love it. » Was in a hit and run accident last week. Fun. » One advantage of cool PNW summers is…

Instant replay: Decolonizing Wellness with Dalia Kinsey
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Instant replay: Decolonizing Wellness with Dalia Kinsey

Please join me and Dalia Kinsey to talk about Dalia’s new book, Decolonizing Wellness! We explore: » What called Dalia to write this book» What “decolonizing” means when it comes to wellness» Why there’s a need for wellness information specifically for non-white folks» The ramifications of praising celebrity body parts, and more ◇─◇──« »──◇─◇ Dalia…

7 Health at Every Size Resources for Sleep Apnea

7 Health at Every Size Resources for Sleep Apnea

One in 15 Americans has sleep apnea, but we don’t talk about it. It’s practically a taboo subject, possibly because apnea is correlated with fatness (though there’s no proven causation). One of the consequences of us not talking about it is that 80% of people with sleep apnea are undiagnosed. That’s a lot of people whose health and lives are in danger…

Taking COVID precautions is an act of fat allyship.

Taking COVID precautions is an act of fat allyship.

Taking COVID precautions is an act of fat* allyship. Getting vaccinated and boosted is allyship. Staying home is allyship. Not eating in restaurants is allyship. Not flying or traveling is allyship. Not going to events, concerts, conventions and other crowded places is allyship. You might be fine if you get sick, and you might have…

{Podcast Month} Destiny’s Universe with Destiny DiMattei: Fat Liberation and Mental Health
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{Podcast Month} Destiny’s Universe with Destiny DiMattei: Fat Liberation and Mental Health

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ One of the reasons I talk about vulnerability in business so much is that giving ourselves the grace and space to be vulnerable allows us to not expect perfection from ourselves or…

{Listen} Lindley on the Entrepreneurial Outlaws Podcast with Melanie Knights: Representing yourself as a marginalized business owner
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{Listen} Lindley on the Entrepreneurial Outlaws Podcast with Melanie Knights: Representing yourself as a marginalized business owner

The experience of being a business owner in a marginalized body is very different from the mainstream, and it’s one I spend a lot of time thinking about. It was a pleasure discuss it with Melanie Knights on the Entrepreneurial Outlaws podcast. I love the way Melanie described our episode: We are in a period…

Lindley & Body Liberation Photos
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Lindley & Body Liberation Photos

I used to think that I was too fat to be a professional photographer. I thought that no one would hire a fat photographer, that they’d laugh at the very thought. From the safety of my corporate job, I watched people in thin bodies make other thin people’s dream images come true. In 2014, my…

40+ resources for holiday boundary setting and self care
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40+ resources for holiday boundary setting and self care

Holidays are when cultural and social norms are instilled and heavily reinforced. That means those of us who live in fat bodies, or are LGBT+, are pretty likely to face a lot of criticism in spaces that should be joyful and warm and welcome. It’s easy to say “well, just cut those toxic family members…

Is body positivity a gateway to fat acceptance?

Is body positivity a gateway to fat acceptance?

The other day Laura Burns and I combined two separate analogies we’d come up with to form the theory of the two lakes: Donut Lake and Liberation Lake. Donut Lake is the home of body positivity. It’s full of fun pool floats and selfie cameras and bopo influencers. The water is warm and comfy, and…

Creator Month: Body Liberation Artist & Activist Kathryn Hack
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Creator Month: Body Liberation Artist & Activist Kathryn Hack

“My work began as my attempt to increase representation of fat bodies in art and media. After making hundreds of fat art pieces in the past 2 years, my own relationship with my body has radically improved. Seeing my body lovingly and beautifully portrayed in my work, transformed how I saw myself and how I…

Creator Month: Panty Designer CarolAnn Bauer

Creator Month: Panty Designer CarolAnn Bauer

“My business is only about body positivity and being fat. Mine is the only garment that wicks away sweat from under stomachs. It is a patented, unique product.” » CarolAnn Bauer Today’s interview is with @chubbychicknosweat. Here’s how she describes herself: I am a ‘she’ and i live in Canton, North Carolina. I’m living happily…

Listen: Lindley with Amy Rapone on the RadLove Radio Podcast
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Listen: Lindley with Amy Rapone on the RadLove Radio Podcast

New podcast drop! I had the chance to talk with Health at Every Size®-aligned and fat-positive nutritionist Amy Rapone on her podcast RadLove Radio. In this episode, we talk about: How I became a photographer despite never having seen anyone like me doing photography Susan Boyle and talking dogs Who finds career opportunities from 15…

Listen: Lindley on Living in a Larger Body with the Understanding Body Matters Podcast
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Listen: Lindley on Living in a Larger Body with the Understanding Body Matters Podcast

I’ve had the honor of being on a number of Australian podcasts, and every time, I wonder the same thing: What do they think about my American accent?? More importantly, it is very cool to have the opportunity to speak virtually all over the world about body acceptance and fat activism, most recently with the…

Listen: How Activist Writing Creates Growth with Cat Pausé on the Friend of Marilyn Podcast
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Listen: How Activist Writing Creates Growth with Cat Pausé on the Friend of Marilyn Podcast

In this episode of Friend of Marilyn, Cat Pausé and I talk about the to-be-revived Body Love Box, the Body Liberation Guide and how what you focus on moves you forward.

Listen: Lindley on the Destiny’s Universe Podcast
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Listen: Lindley on the Destiny’s Universe Podcast

One of the reasons I talk about vulnerability in business so much is that giving ourselves the grace and space to be vulnerable allows us to not expect perfection from ourselves or others. When we give ourselves the grace of imperfection, it means that when we mess up — as we inevitably will, as people…

Instant replay: Instagram Live – Kids, Body Image and Health at Every Size®
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Instant replay: Instagram Live – Kids, Body Image and Health at Every Size®

Today I’m asking body-positive and Health at Every Size®-aligned nanny and parent consultant Sarah @bodypositiveparenting all about her job, including: 🚸 What does a body-positive nanny do? What does #HAES have to do with it? 🚸 What should parents look for in a nanny who will help their kids grow up with a positive body image? 🚸 What Sarah…

Thin privilege is not having to learn both sewing and pattern making to have clothing that’s fun, stylish, creative, fits well…or just fits, period.

Thin privilege is not having to learn both sewing and pattern making to have clothing that’s fun, stylish, creative, fits well…or just fits, period.

Thin privilege is not having to learn both sewing and pattern making to have clothing that’s fun, stylish, creative, fits well…or just fits, period. One of the most common dismissals that gets thrown at fat folks when we talk about how apparel companies would rather lose money than make clothing for us is, “You can…

{wandering} Mowich Lake, WA
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{wandering} Mowich Lake, WA

Mowich Lake is one of my favorite semi-hidden Washington day trip destinations. It’s located in Mount Rainier National Park, but getting there requires you to take a separate route from the main park roads, over some (public access) unpaved logging roads that are more or less adventurous depending on how recently they’ve been maintained. The…

{wandering} Mount Baker, Table Mountain and fat self-care
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{wandering} Mount Baker, Table Mountain and fat self-care

I’ve only been to Mount Baker, Washington in the fall, and that’s the way I like it. The time of year of that first visit was coincidental — it was on my trip list and we wanted to get in before the highway closed for the winter — but I don’t know that any other…

40 kind words for your body
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40 kind words for your body

When you think about bodies — your own or other people’s — what words do you use? Our thoughts and feelings about bodies are shaped by the words we use to describe them. Here are 40 kind, loving descriptive words to replace the negative ones we’ve been taught. Find the written post at https://www.prospecttherapy.com/blog/2018/8/13/guest-blog-post-40-kind-and-positive-words-for-your-body, and…

A fat white person with short brown hair, wearing a floral-print black swimsuit top with bare arms and belly, looks up smiling among grapevines with green leaves. A glucose monitor is attached to their arm.

What is valuable and precious about fat bodies beyond being a comfort object

I recently challenged my Body Liberation Guide readers to answer the question, “What is valuable and precious about fat bodies beyond being a comfort object? How many things can you think of?”   Reader Bee Gee’s response was wonderful and glorious, and they generously gave me permission to share it. Read the list at http://bit.ly/guestbeegee!…