{The Body Liberation Guide} 🤜 They’re all the same fight
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{The Body Liberation Guide} 🤜 They’re all the same fight

Hi friend, How are you feeling about the new Patreon membership tiers? In case you missed it, last week I adjusted the subscription tiers and pricing to better help me support you. That change is also letting me start planning more exciting events for the rest of the year, starting with having Kayla Stansberry in to talk about fat trauma…

{The Body Liberation Guide} ✨ Basking in my own glory
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{The Body Liberation Guide} ✨ Basking in my own glory

Hi friend, I’m taking a little time off this week, so no main letter from me. Next week, I’ll send you my guide for setting boundaries over the holidays. In the meantime: 1. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to present on race, body image and sexuality at the Seattle Erotic Art Festival, or SEAF….

{The Body Liberation Guide} ☢️ Fat hatred: Political power, toxic masculinity and sexism
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{The Body Liberation Guide} ☢️ Fat hatred: Political power, toxic masculinity and sexism

Hi friend, Last week was kind of wild over here. A windstorm hit the Seattle area that left half a million people without power and did widespread damage. We were without power for a few days and have some tree damage to our deck, but we’re safe and back home and I’m thankful. This week,…

Ask a Fat Artist: Angelica Dred
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Ask a Fat Artist: Angelica Dred

This is the Body Liberation Photos Ask a Fat Creator (and Allies) series, in which we find out more about the lives, work, and breakfasts of all kinds of large-bodied and marginalized creators and their allies. Angelica Dred is a queer, fat, digital and traditional artist based out of Colorado Springs, CO. She has been…

Joyful Divergence {Seattle small business branding session}

Joyful Divergence {Seattle small business branding session}

I also love, love, love working with neurodivergent folks. Y’all are my people. (Neurodivergence is an umbrella term that includes autism, ADHD, dyslexia and more, and depending on who you ask also includes mentally ill and mad folks.) At Kyra’s session, we cheerfully got distracted together by a hawk flying by and a rainbow, and laughed ourselves silly while getting Kyra covered in grass rolling down a hill.

Ask a Fat Musician: Jay Danger
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Ask a Fat Musician: Jay Danger

This is the Body Liberation Photos Ask a Fat Creator (and Allies) series, in which we find out more about the lives, work, and breakfasts of all kinds of large-bodied and marginalized creators and their allies. Raised in the sleepy northern Toronto suburb of Willowdale, Jay Danger is a quintessential product of the 90’s. Brought…

{Ask a Fat Creator} Ashley of Astrobridge Artistry

{Ask a Fat Creator} Ashley of Astrobridge Artistry

This is the Body Liberation Photos Ask a Fat Creator (and Allies) series, in which we find out more about the lives, work, and breakfasts of all kinds of large-bodied and marginalized creators and their allies. This interview is with Ashley Anne Strobridge, a Vermont-based artist who finds inspiration in both the natural world and…

An equalizer graphic, a thumbnail photo of Lindley and an audio excerpt from the podcast.
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Race, Weight and Oppression: Lindley on the Mindful Miri Podcast

It was a pleasure to appear on the Mindful Miri podcast! In this episode, we discuss issues of race, weight, and systems of oppression. Other themes: » Embracing our true selves » #bodypositivity for larger bodies » How systems are not built for all sizes » weightstigma as an offshoot of #racism Transcript Excerpt “It’s…

A fat woman of color's chin and hands are shown as she holds a menu with an illustrated boat in a restaurant. Overlaid is text with the title of the mini session.
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I’m talking about size inclusivity in business for TEDD WIND 2022

I just wrapped up development of my mini session for the TEDD WIND Inclusivity Conference! I’ll be talking about inclusive marketing on Oct. 22 at 1:30 pm Central time (CST). Just a couple of the topics we’ll cover: * Why be size-inclusive, anyway * What your public presence is telling potential clients * Auditing the…

I chat with Alissa Rumsey about size inclusivity in business
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I chat with Alissa Rumsey about size inclusivity in business

From @alissarumsey: Building inclusive and fat-friendly businesses: why is so important (for us, for our business, and for the collective) and some things to think about when it comes to being inclusive in your digital/online space. Loved this convo with @bodyliberationwithlindley, who shared so much of her wisdom along with some practical tips. Lindley will be…

Bad Fatty Podcast Episode 1: What the hell is Donut Lake?

Bad Fatty Podcast Episode 1: What the hell is Donut Lake?

“ This is Bad Fatty with Laura Burns and Lindley Ashline. We’re two rad fatties chatting about the world we live in and how to change it. In this episode, we’re talking about the difference between a good fatty and a bad fatty, body positivity versus body liberation, and Donut Lake and Liberation Lake. Listen…

{Listen} What Happened in the HAES® Spaces—a conversation with Lindley Ashline and Shelby Gordon
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{Listen} What Happened in the HAES® Spaces—a conversation with Lindley Ashline and Shelby Gordon

I recently went on the RD Real Talk podcast with Heather Caplan and Shelby Gordon to talk about what’s been going on in Health at Every Size® this year, and where we go from here. Here’s the episode description from Heather: A LOT has happened in the Health at Every Size® and weight-inclusive communities since Marquisele…

A slide with a blue background and the heading "Making physical spaces welcoming: infrastructure." Bullet points below read "Consider: - Chairs - Massage tables - Dental chairs - Aisle width - Bathrooms - Parking - Ask clients/colleagues - Refer to ADA - People > pretty - Do what you can NOW - Follow through - Announce changes - Make info available"
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Get a copy of my workshop How to Run a Body-Inclusive Business

This is a copy of one of my slides from the How to Run a Body-Inclusive Business workshop I did for Every BODY Belongs in Bozeman last week. Want the full recording? The Eating Disorder Center of Montana is making it available free for folks who sign up for their newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/edcmt/community-newsletter-sign-up. Please also…

Instant replay: Decolonizing Wellness with Dalia Kinsey
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Instant replay: Decolonizing Wellness with Dalia Kinsey

Please join me and Dalia Kinsey to talk about Dalia’s new book, Decolonizing Wellness! We explore: » What called Dalia to write this book» What “decolonizing” means when it comes to wellness» Why there’s a need for wellness information specifically for non-white folks» The ramifications of praising celebrity body parts, and more ◇─◇──« »──◇─◇ Dalia…

{live} Take Two: Decolonizing Wellness with Dalia Kinsey, February 25

{live} Take Two: Decolonizing Wellness with Dalia Kinsey, February 25

You know how sometimes things just don’t work out? Are a disaster from end to end? Well, that was my first try at a chat with author Dalia Kinsey. First, our FB live didn’t want to start. Then I couldn’t add Dalia to the chat. Then the audio and video were off sync so badly…

{Podcast Month} How businesses can welcome larger bodies on Massage Business Blueprint

{Podcast Month} How businesses can welcome larger bodies on Massage Business Blueprint

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ I love digging in and talking about the practical aspects of body liberation, especially when it comes to running a business. On Massage Business Blueprint, Allissa, Michael and I discuss how all…

{Podcast Month} Fat Face Feelings: Respect for All Bodies is the New Black
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{Podcast Month} Fat Face Feelings: Respect for All Bodies is the New Black

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ It’s always a delight to talk with the Fat Faces, and this time we did it on the record! We dig deep into my entrepreneurial journey, why I chose to work with…

{Podcast Month} Real Health Radio with Lu Uhrich
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{Podcast Month} Real Health Radio with Lu Uhrich

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ “I guess that’s what’s hard for me to understand. What harm does it to do to a concern troll to start trolling the systems that are doing this? Troll the airline industry….

{Podcast Month} Fashion for All: The SmartGlamour Podcast with Mallorie Dunn
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{Podcast Month} Fashion for All: The SmartGlamour Podcast with Mallorie Dunn

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ “Fat people can’t be photographers.” Is that true? I’ve spent the last five years finding out, and on this episode of Fashion for All – The Smart Glamour Podcast with Mallorie Dunn…

{Podcast Month} Eating Support & Health at Every Size® Chat with Chelsea Levy Nutrition
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{Podcast Month} Eating Support & Health at Every Size® Chat with Chelsea Levy Nutrition

I went way out of my comfort zone with Chelsea of Chelsea Levy Nutrition and ate on camera for a special Instagram live eating support session. It is so important to normalize fat folks eating in public. Too often, we get stares, comments or open stigma for simply doing what humans need to do: eat….

{Podcast Month} Redefining Health & Wellness with Shohreh Davoodi: Media Representation, Stock Photography and Turning Anger into Art
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{Podcast Month} Redefining Health & Wellness with Shohreh Davoodi: Media Representation, Stock Photography and Turning Anger into Art

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ What do anger and art have in common? Shohreh Davoodi @shohrehdavoodi and I talk about it — and lots more — on episode 53 of her podcast, Redefining Health & Wellness. We…

{Podcast Month} Sarah Thunell on Kids, Body Image and Health at Every Size
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{Podcast Month} Sarah Thunell on Kids, Body Image and Health at Every Size

Today I’m asking body-positive and Health at Every Size®-aligned nanny and parent consultant Sarah @bodypositiveparenting all about her job, including: 🚸 What does a body-positive nanny do? What does #HAES have to do with it? 🚸 What should parents look for in a nanny who will help their kids grow up with a positive body image? 🚸 What Sarah…

{Podcast Month} Femtastic with Katie Breen: Bodies in the Media and why Representation Matters
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{Podcast Month} Femtastic with Katie Breen: Bodies in the Media and why Representation Matters

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ Over at @femtastic_podcast, Katie Breen and I talk about why it’s so important that we see representations of diverse bodies in the media, and how I use my platform to create stock imagery…

{Podcast Month} Fat Product Reviews with Chrystal Bougon
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{Podcast Month} Fat Product Reviews with Chrystal Bougon

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ Because I have my fat fingers in so many pies, this chat with Chrystal Bougon @chrystallee78 of Curvy Girl Lingerie and All Bodies Electrolysis touches on lots of topics! If you’ve ever…

{Podcast Month} Fat Girl Finds Love with Briana Cavanaugh
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{Podcast Month} Fat Girl Finds Love with Briana Cavanaugh

For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ On the Fat Girl Finds Love Podcast, I’m talking with Briana Cavanaugh @lovedosed about fategories, luck and privilege in relationships, finding a doctor you trust, and scars in photography. Give it a listen…

{Podcast Month} Escape Diet Prison with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt: Body Liberation Through Photography
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{Podcast Month} Escape Diet Prison with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt: Body Liberation Through Photography

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ When I started my photography business in 2015, I had never seen or met another fat photographer. I wasn’t sure if it was even possible. (Because what we see around us tells…

{Podcast Month} Rising Whole with Prim Ormanovich: Everybody Profits From You Hating Your Body
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{Podcast Month} Rising Whole with Prim Ormanovich: Everybody Profits From You Hating Your Body

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ On this episode of the Rising Whole podcast, Prim Ormanovich @risingwholeprim and I talk about how coherency in your business comes from having an underlying ethical framework or cause, and how my…

{Podcast Month} It’s Okay to Feel: Our Beautiful Bodies with Lindley Ashline

{Podcast Month} It’s Okay to Feel: Our Beautiful Bodies with Lindley Ashline

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ This is the first podcast where I’ve ever needed to stop and ask, “Can I say this on the air?” Nōn Wels @YouMeEmpathy, Jenipher Lyn @JenipherLyn and I talk about body image…

{Podcast Month} Eff Sh*t Up Friday with Dr. Melissa Bird
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{Podcast Month} Eff Sh*t Up Friday with Dr. Melissa Bird

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ What do boudoir photography, subscription boxes and stock photos have in common? What even is a stock photo? How does body liberation play into all this? In this video, I chat with…

{Podcast Month} RadLove Radio with Amy Rapone: Representation Shows Us Where We Belong
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{Podcast Month} RadLove Radio with Amy Rapone: Representation Shows Us Where We Belong

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ New podcast drop! I had the chance to talk with Health at Every Size®-aligned and fat-positive nutritionist Amy Rapone @radlove.nutrition on her podcast RadLove Radio @radloveradio. In this episode, we talk about:…

{Podcast Month} Hell Yeah Techcast with Jenn Hume: How to use diversity on your website to change the world + grow your business
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{Podcast Month} Hell Yeah Techcast with Jenn Hume: How to use diversity on your website to change the world + grow your business

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ Every single time I’m asked to be on a podcast, it’s an honor, but it’s an especially big deal to be the very first guest on an existing podcast! Jenn Hume, owner…

{Podcast Month} Eat the Rules with Summer Innanen: Healing Body Image With Photos

{Podcast Month} Eat the Rules with Summer Innanen: Healing Body Image With Photos

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ Eat the Rules (formerly Fearless Rebelle Radio) has been at the top of my podcast speaking wishlist for years, and it was such an amazing opportunity to appear in episode 168 with…

{Podcast Month} Understanding Body Matters with BodyMatters Australasia: Living in a Larger Body

{Podcast Month} Understanding Body Matters with BodyMatters Australasia: Living in a Larger Body

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ I’ve had the honor of being on a number of Australian podcasts, and every time, I wonder the same thing: What do they think about my American accent?? More importantly, it is…

{Podcast Month} Love, Food with Julie Duffy Dillon: Channeling Your Anger
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{Podcast Month} Love, Food with Julie Duffy Dillon: Channeling Your Anger

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ If you’d like a shorter podcast listen, Love, Food is for you. In each episode, Julie answers a letter from a reader. As a podcast guest, I love this format because I…

{Podcast Month} Being unafraid of power with Leela Sinha on PowerPivot
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{Podcast Month} Being unafraid of power with Leela Sinha on PowerPivot

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ So many of the dynamics around bodies, weight and worth are really about power, and it was fascinating to dig into those power dynamics with Leela Sinha, host of the PowerPivot podcast (not on…

{Podcast Month} How Activist Writing Creates Growth with Cat Pausé on the Friend of Marilyn Podcast
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{Podcast Month} How Activist Writing Creates Growth with Cat Pausé on the Friend of Marilyn Podcast

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ When I began writing the Body Liberation Guide, my weekly newsletter, I didn’t expect it to change my life. A compilation of the resources I was already creating, sharing some of my…

{Podcast Month} Lindley on the All Fired Up! Podcast on Confidence Magic, Taking on Whole30 and Body Liberation Through Photos

{Podcast Month} Lindley on the All Fired Up! Podcast on Confidence Magic, Taking on Whole30 and Body Liberation Through Photos

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ Louise Adams may call her wonderful podcast All Fired Up!, but I think of my episode as a phrase a little closer to my Southern U.S. roots: I’m all het up. I…

{Podcast Month} Destiny’s Universe with Destiny DiMattei: Fat Liberation and Mental Health
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{Podcast Month} Destiny’s Universe with Destiny DiMattei: Fat Liberation and Mental Health

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ One of the reasons I talk about vulnerability in business so much is that giving ourselves the grace and space to be vulnerable allows us to not expect perfection from ourselves or…

{Listen} Lindley on the Entrepreneurial Outlaws Podcast with Melanie Knights: Representing yourself as a marginalized business owner
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{Listen} Lindley on the Entrepreneurial Outlaws Podcast with Melanie Knights: Representing yourself as a marginalized business owner

The experience of being a business owner in a marginalized body is very different from the mainstream, and it’s one I spend a lot of time thinking about. It was a pleasure discuss it with Melanie Knights on the Entrepreneurial Outlaws podcast. I love the way Melanie described our episode: We are in a period…

{Podcast Month} Body Liberation for All with Dalia Kinsey: How Being Yourself Can Change the World
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{Podcast Month} Body Liberation for All with Dalia Kinsey: How Being Yourself Can Change the World

✨ For the month of December, enjoy these podcast episodes while I slow down, take a breath and plan for next year. ✨ If you’ve ever met someone and instantly known you’re going to be good friends, then you’ll know how I felt when I met Dalia Kinsey. In fact, we got along so well…

{Listen} Lindley on the Nourished Circle Podcast: Weight stigma in healthcare and what providers can change today
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{Listen} Lindley on the Nourished Circle Podcast: Weight stigma in healthcare and what providers can change today

I love talking about ending weight stigma in the real world, and how we get there on a practical level. What does that look like? Where do we go from here? In this episode of the Nourished Circle podcast, I talked with Lori Short-Zamudio about: Where weight stigma in healthcare comes from How what you…

Listen: Lindley on the Recovery Bites Podcast with Karin Lewis
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Listen: Lindley on the Recovery Bites Podcast with Karin Lewis

In this episode, Karin Lewis is joined by Lindley Ashline, photographer, author, cat mom, entrepreneur, musician and activist. Lindley creates photographs that celebrate the unique beauty of bodies that fall outside conventional “beauty” standards. She fights weight stigma by giving fat people a safe place to explore how their bodies look on camera and by…

Listen: Lindley on Radiant Woman with Tarisha Tourok: Getting off the hook, fatphobia and choosing the right partner for your body type
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Listen: Lindley on Radiant Woman with Tarisha Tourok: Getting off the hook, fatphobia and choosing the right partner for your body type

Tarisha & Lindley discuss the myth that “loving your body is fine, but that can’t be healthy“. Women are afraid that if they love their body, they’ll let themselves off the hook and will stop taking care of themselves. Listen to what we have to say about the idea that we have to judge ourselves and punish ourselves…

Creator Month: Artist Theresa Baxter

Creator Month: Artist Theresa Baxter

“It took literally re-drawing the lines of the human form over and over again for me to understand that it is normal for bodies to be unique and that mine, soft and dimpled, was normal…and even beautiful, (and actually, really fucking sexy).” » Theresa Baxter Today’s interview is with @reesabobeesa. Here’s how she describes herself:…

Creator Month: Fat-Positive Author Pat Ballard

Creator Month: Fat-Positive Author Pat Ballard

“My fiction features “Big Beautiful Heroines” who always feel good about themselves. Even if they go into the book not feeling self-confident, they feel that way by the end of the book. I will NEVER put one of my heroines on a weight-loss diet.” » Pat Ballard Today’s interview is with fat-positive author Pat Ballard….